February 20, 2025
Meeting Minutes
Associated Students of the University of Utah
2024-2025 ASUU Senate, Cycle #5
General Senate Meeting Agenda
2.20.2025 6:00PM-10:00PM
Call to Order
The Senate Chair will call the meeting to order to convene the General Senate session.
Roll Call
The Parliamentarian and secretary will take and document roll call.
- Sen Chair Johnson, Vice Chair Steele, Sen. Kearse, Sen. Vanderheyden, Sen. Perez, Proxy Sen Nielsen
- Sen Pynkins
- Sen Parkin
- Sen Doom
- Sen Nyiramwiza
- Sen King
- Sen Menlove
- Sen Stevens
- Sen Doughtry
- Sen Rose
- AG Boyden
Ex-Officio Reports:
Attorney General
VP for University Relations
Finance Director
Land Acknowledgement (Vice Chair Steele)
“We acknowledge that this land, which is named for the Ute Tribe, is the traditional and ancestral homeland of the Shoshone, Paiute, Goshute, and Ute Tribes. The University of Utah recognizes and respects the enduring relationship that exists between many Indigenous peoples and their traditional homelands. We respect the sovereign relationship between tribes, states, and the federal government, and we affirm the University of Utah’s commitment to a partnership with Native Nations and Urban Indian communities through research, education, and community outreach activities.”
Public Forum
We will be attending the debate from 6:00pm-7:30pm in place of the public Forum.
General Announcements
Time for any ASUU Senators to share out any important announcements with the group.
Sen King: Increasing bus stop for graduate students
Sen Pykto: working on RSG
Executive Committee Reports
Members of the Senate Executive Committee will have time to share updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
Chair Johnson: Vetoed guest speaker due to time said hop on Zoom when available for extra meeting to talk with that guest speaker. Talks about social with Assembly and Senate on Tuesday.
Vice Chair Steele: RSG bill and Honors co-sponsor bill happening tonight. Funding bills and election bills coming through soon.
Treasurer VanDerHeyden: Talk about funding we have left for Senate. Quarter zip Senate merch update.
Secretary Nielsen: None. Proxy.
Parliamentarian Kearse: Pass.
Registrar Perez: Presenting a bill tonight. Working on two projects ASUU newsletter to help hear about ASUU news and events. Working on a safety project bringing blue light to lower campus.
Old Business
-Cycle 4 Minutes
- Vote: Y: 14, O: 0, A: 0
-Prospectives Reminder!!!!!
-RSO spreadsheet Update
Consent calendar
- Vote: Y: 14, O: 0, A: 0
- SB 17 register college of Health
- SB 18 register college of Transform
New Business
- Apportionment Spreadsheet
- Vote: Y:14, O:0, A:0
- Transition documents
- Sen Johnson: Motion to move confirmations forward
- Sen VanDerHeydan: 2nd motion
- JB 10 Update Redbook concerning the Graduate student council and adding an ex-officio to the Senate and Assembly
- Questions:
- Sen Doom: How do you hope to communicate with graduate students? There is not one specific plan, we are looking into mass emails.
- AG Boyden: Giving that it is unpaid position do you see it being hard to fill? It can be a problem, although this is a first step to the ball rolling. Although we have been able to get people in the seat and we have been here for 2 years. We do not see any problems filling this position, we just want to be heard.
- Debate:
- Sen Menlove: This is a good opportunity for graduate students.
- Pres Boyden: We need their representation.
- Vote: Y: 15, O: 0, A: 0
- JB 11 Restructure of Assembly Committees
- Questions:
- Pres Boyden: What was the planning of those three committees? We wanted to focus on those three committees due to standing legislation.
- AG Boyden: Are these revising assemblies' committees? Clarified funding, campus connect, this makes sure that when we have meetings, we are utilizing that time well.
- Sen Rose: What would the meeting look like with these changes?
- Debate:
- Sen Johnson: Assembly have their meetings, and we should let Assembly pass it.
- Pres Boyden: Possibly of having Senate and Assembly together within the subcommittees. This is great.
- Vote: Y: 15, O: 0, A: 0
- JB 13 ASUU suggestion box responsibility's
- Questions
- Sen Doom: We would hold the key to the box? Can these be delegated?
- Debate:
- Sen Parkin: Great bill.
- Vote: Y: 14, O: 0, A: 0
- SB 19 Fine arts RSG funding
- Questions:
- Sen Menlove: Will it be used for one event or more?
- Debate
- Sen VanDerHeydan: We should support this bill
- Sen Doom: They did a great job coming up with this bill in the short amount of time with the change in senate.
- Vote: Y: 14, O:0, A: 0
- SB 20 HumRSG funding
- Questions:
- Is funding going to supplies or food?
- How much money have we allocated to your school?
- Debate:
- We should fund this in full.
- Vote: Y: 14, O: 0, A: 0
- SB 21 science RSG funding
- Questions
- Sen Parkin: Is this a recurring event? This is new
- Debate
- Sen Kearse: I would support this legislation
- Sen King: This is a great legislation
- Sen VanDerHeydan: We should fund it in full.
- Vote: Y: 14, O: 0, A: 0
- JR 5 Establish a mentor program for first year MSW students in social work
- Questions
- Sen VanDerHeydan: What was the initial thought for this legislation?
- Debate:
- Sen Menlove: This is a great initiative.
- Sen VanDerHeydan: Power in student-student mentorship
- Vote: Y: 14, O: 0, A: 0
- JB 12 Honors college representation
- Questions:
- There is already representation for students involved in the Honors College?
- Gannett Chief Supreme Justice
- Questions:
- Sen Parkin: What are you most excited about? Learning experience
- Sen Johnson: Do you think you would be neutral? I will.
- Debate:
- He will be great!
- Vote: Y: 14, O: 0, A: 0
- Vote of office
- AD Stephen Sanchez
- Questions:
- Sen VanDerHeydan: What event was your favorite this year? SIO, I really love seeing the community we are creating.
- Debate:
- Sen Perez: I have worked with Stephen, and she is amazing
- AG Boyden: Second debate
- Sen Doom: Commends first gen and stepping out of comfort zone
- Vote: Y: 15, O: 0 A: 0
- Vote of office: Sen Chair Johnson