



September 24, 2024

Meeting Documents

Meeting Minutes


Associated Students of the University of Utah

2024-2025 ASUU Assembly, Cycle 1

General Assembly Meeting Agenda

09.24.2024 6PM



  1. Call to Order
    1. Assembly Chair will call the meeting to order to convene the General Assembly session.


  1. Roll Call
    1. The Parliamentarian will take and document roll call.
    2. Arts & Recreation
      1. 5/5
      2. Absent:
        1. none
      3. Affinity & Advocacy
        1. 6/7
        2. Absent:
          1. Hart
        3. Graduate & Professional Development
          1. 8/9
          2. Absent:
            1. Merrin
          3. Sports
            1. 5/6
            2. Absent:
              1. Rep Baker
            3. Rules
              1. 2
              2. Absent:
                1. none


  • Land Acknowledgement

“We acknowledge that this land, which is named for the Ute Tribe, is the traditional and ancestral homeland of the Shoshone, Paiute, Goshute, and Ute Tribes. The University of Utah recognizes and respects the enduring relationship that exists between many Indigenous peoples and their traditional homelands. We respect the sovereign relationship between tribes, states, and the federal government, and we affirm the University of Utah’s commitment to a partnership with Native Nations and Urban Indian communities through research, education, and community outreach activities.”  (Read By Secretary Bond)


  1. Confirmation & Oath of Office
    1. “I, (name of individual), do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the Associated Students of the University of Utah and all its purposes and procedures; and that I will endeavor to the best of my abilities to fulfill the duties, obligations, and responsibilities of the office to which I have been elected.”
      1. Representative Holly Tang
        1. wanted to get more involved in campus life and meet new people
      2. Aye:
        1. 25
  • Nay:
    1. 0
  1. Oye:
    1. 1


  1. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
    1. Time for the Assembly to formally vote to approve the previous General Assembly’s Meeting Minutes as transcribed by the Assembly Secretary.


  1. Public Forum
    1. Opportunity for members of the public (i.e. any non-Assembly community members) to spend time talking with and/or presenting to the Assembly.
      1. Anna Locke

This academic year, we were excited to pilot a new budget proposal system for RSOs to request funding from ASUU. The system was developed by ASUU and SLI staff members with the intention of making the funding request and reimbursement process smoother for both student organization leaders and Assembly representatives.


Although I believe it did meet the goal of making funding requests more accessible for student organizations, it did result in the highest-ever amount requested from the ASUU Assembly in a single cycle. By the priority deadline on September 15th, we received $324,853.81 in funding proposals from 146 unique student organizations. While we’re thrilled to have the opportunity to support so many groups, this amount is unfortunately close to double our budget for the fall semester.


ASUU is funded entirely from the student fee, and only a portion of this money can be used by the Assembly. Specifically, our budget for the academic year is $264,000, meaning that our goal is to spend around $132,000 per semester - all of which goes toward student organizations.


In the past, we have been able to cut money from budget requests on a case-by-case basis. However, we needed to cut approximately $200,000 to reach 75% of our total fall budget. Additionally, we were facing a crunched time frame, as we did not have access to the total amount requested until 48 hours before our subcommittee meeting when the cuts needed to be made. It would not have been possible to make so many cuts of this level in an unbiased manner.


As a result, we decided that a uniform reduction to all budget proposals submitted by the priority deadline would be the most equitable way to proceed. This would result in the most broad spread of funding across all organizations that submitted proposals. Several student leaders have expressed their concerns to me over this solution, and I wholeheartedly agree with many of them. Unfortunately, the Assembly is operating on a limited budget and simply cannot fund every RSO on campus the full amount they requested.


Although we were not left with many options for this cycle, we plan to do everything we can to improve the system in the future. As a result, I want to use a portion of our meeting tonight to hear insights from elected representatives and RSO leaders about what they would like to see moving forward.


Before we begin the forum, there are a couple points that I want to emphasize:


  1. As you make comments, please keep in mind that every single person in this room is working towards the common and shared goal of helping as many students as possible.
  2. The outcome of the current cycle is set. You may be frustrated with this outcome, which I completely understand, but unfortunately, we are not able to change it. Although you are welcome to express perspectives about these experiences to help you make your point, this forum is primarily to gain insights and ideas into how we can improve moving forward.


Thank you so much in advance for any ideas on how we can continuously improve both ASUU and this funding system to help as many students and RSOs as possible. I truly appreciate your insights and look forward to hearing them.

  1. Student Organization Funding Forum
    1. Rushmeen Tariq
      1. president of RSO
      2. frustration and confusion over new budget proposal
      3. email sent from chair Locke never made it to RSO and so information was never delivered to RSO until this morning
      4. made difficult situation more difficult
      5. changes to budget sections make it more difficult to actually allocate enough funds for events due to how certain funds are required for events and hard to make line up with the new allocated amount
    2. Jason Rose
      1. captain of u of u pistol team
      2. question:
        1. is there any way that we can appeal to get the full amount of funding that we requested
      3. Answer:
        1. Anna Locke:
        2. unfortunately not in this cycle since we have hit our limit for this cycle
      4. Problem with that is that they do not plan on making purchases in the spring semester since they requested money for 4 more shooting glasses
      5. Hoping to purchase them this semester, practice in fall, and go to nationals in first 3 weeks of spring semester, new system splitting costs between semester makes this more difficult
      6. predictable outcome due to change in the request system (lack of flexibility)
      7. puts strudent orgs that accurately budget their requests at disadvantage due to cuts limiting funding more for accurate budgeting than for someone who requested much more than exactly needed
  • Adrian Sucahyo
    1. treasurer for IEEE and Vietnamese student association
    2. Question:
      1. not used money goes back into pool
      2. Answer: Yes
    3. Building off of that, then students will overrequest
    4. due to not having to itemize, people will request much, much more
    5. harder for people to budget since its at only start of semester, especially for newer organizations
    6. better if more spaced out in cycles
    7. current restrictions punish large organizations more
    8. potentially linking length of time to amount requestable
  1. Omar Rizwan
    1. treasurer of Pakistani Student Association
    2. 2 concerns
      1. already have done first event of organization
        1. submitted budget 2 weeks ago
        2. split the $4000 amongst events throughout the years
  • If notified earlier then they would allocate their budget more conservatively
  1. Big organization, needs to hold lots of events to serve students
  2. if budget is halved, then asuu should offer other organizations that can offer funds
  1. Erik Bond
    1. we need to serve rsos first, not second
  2. Representative Warner
    1. expecting RSOS to fill out itemized budgets for entire semester is not effective due to other organizations
    2. not fair to sacrifice freedom of speech for more money (SPonsored orgs)
    3. a great way to mend gap between reps and rsos is a tutorial
  • Representative Burnett
    1. is there a way to access funds that would have normally been allocated if ex-sponsored organizations were still sponsored
    2. Answer
      1. Anna Locke
        1. not ASUU’s jurisdiction, but SLI staff is currently putting together information on the topic affects larger organizations than smaller ones
  • Alex Tokita
    1. more scrutiny should be applied to every single bill
    2. lower consent calendar threshold should be done
    3. withholding amount of consent calendar threshold
    4. consent calendar should not be disclosed prior so rsos dont push limit
    5. make reductions more even
    6. when considering bills, financial responsibility should be considered amongst other things
  1. Representative Reese
    1. what percentage of rsos actually use their money would be good to knwo
    2. general reserve possible use to make amends to rsos
    3. hammering home that campus connect actually matters
  2. Representative Fairchild
    1. large discrepancy in receiving money for large orgs than for smaller orgs
    2. funding based on member size would be better
  3. Representative Smaellie
    1. Question:
      1. has there ever been a structure in the past that allocated limits due to how large the organization was?
    2. Answer:
      1. not that we know of
  • Representative Alba
    1. this system deoesnt have enough eyes on bills
    2. We should make the new system a mix of both old and new system
  • Director White
    1. funding pot has shrunk as well
    2. presidency is working on solution to this
      1. advocating for increase to student fee
      2. since thats how asuu is funded
  • Representative Buss
    1. we need things to be fixed in this new system even though it seemed promising at beginning
    2. with campus connect having an updated number and going off of that number will require clubs to sign up on campus connect to get funding
  1. Attorney general Boyden
    1. This legislative process isn’t closed off to all of the student leaders here, you just need a sponsor
  • VP Moon
    1. the presidency is working hard to increase the student success fee for undergraduate students
    2. if anyone has questions you can ask anyone on the presidency
  • Rep Wong
    1. not fair to rsos if other rsos ask a bunch of people to sign up on campus connect to get more money
    2. should show proof of how many people show up at events and how active it is
    3. ratio or percentage if less than 50 people need a certain budget for event
    4. take consideration of outside funding
      1. how much so asuu doesnt give that much
    5. budgets should be more specific
    6. way better if categories are broken down into smaller points
  • Rep Alba
    1. Agree with specificity of budget requests
    2. have 2 or three budget requests instead of one per semester
      1. hard to plan 5 months in advance full on itemized list
  • Rep Torres
    1. Whats the process of raising success fee
    2. Joe is working with board of trustees on this thing, but info is confidential
  1. Rep Harrison
    1. mention of proof being mentioned for people at events
    2. business scholars have qr codes that people scan and get thrown on a list’
    3. anna
      1. asuu has ucard scanners to check for metrics of events
    4. having more data to cross-reference event funding would be better
    5. should give established clubs priority for budgeting
  • Rep Buss
    1. QR code idea is interesting, but anyone could fill out a qr code and inflate the numbers
    2. the card scanner sounds way better since its a lot more accurate
    3. some events cater to families, we should be using student funds for students would be more beneficial for us so we allocate funds better
  • Rep Burnett
    1. attended Persian Student Association event last year, very good event
    2. several clubs bring community from outside university of utah together
  • Rep Benda
    1. Question:
      1. if we are not meeting quota for allocated funds, are we allowed to use gofundme for funds?
    2. Answer:
      1. Anna Locke
      2. If its not through ASUU, then yes, you should be allowed
  • Parliamentarian Parker
    1. one thing we could do is expand stock of items SLI loans out to rsos
    2. decrease space rental fees since it is currently absurd


  • General Announcements
    1. Time for any ASUU Assembly Representatives to share out any important announcements with the group.


  • Rules Committee Reports
    1. Members of the Assembly Rules Committee will have time to share out updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
    2. Arts & Recreation Subcommittee Chair Burnett
      1. just starting out
      2. working on promoting marketing and increasing the frequency of brave conversations dialogue on campus
    3. Affinity & Advocacy Subcommittee Chair Benda
      1. no updates
    4. Graduate & Professional Development Subcommittee Chair Dong
      1. just started
      2. efficiently divy up work and work through budget proposals
    5. Sports Subcommittee Chair Dutton
      1. Everyone has done a great job jumping in
    6. Secretary Bond
      1. suggestion boxes coming online
    7. Treasurer Singh
      1. $102,000 waiting to be approved is over 70% of our fall budget is being allocated by the priority deadline
    8. Parliamentarian Parker
      1. no updates
    9. Vice Chair Dong
      1. working on legislation
      2. encourage rsos to sign out survey that anna and i sent out
    10. Chair Locke
      1. trying to get info out about the proposals and responding to emails
      2. tried to get info out to as many people as they could
  • really want to improve this funding system for spring semester


  1. Ex-Officio Reports
    1. Ex-Officio members of the Assembly will have time to share out updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
    2. Culture & Belonging Director Nadar
      1. not present
    3. Finance Director White
      1. crazy month for funding
      2. half of travel funding requested in past month
  • working on outreach
  1. Academic Affairs Director Israelson
    1. not present
  2. Attorney General Boyden
    1. last wednesday hosted redbook and ramen event and talked with frewshman about legislation
  3. Vice President for Student Relations Moon
    1. worked with aux and commuter services about marketing for the future
    2. cross walk installations across campus
  • student activity fee big part of that
  1. everything is going great
  2. reach out to the presidency if you have questions


  1. Old Business
    1. Time updates on any legislation that was introduced during previous sessions.


  1. New Business
    1. Time to introduce all new legislation to the Assembly floor.
    2. Budget Proposals
      1. AB01 - Rep. Alba, Buddhist Sangha ($1,100.00)
      2. AB02 - Rep. Torres, Nepalese Students Association ($940.00)
  • AB03 - Rep. Benda, Ratio Christi at the University of Utah ($742.00)
  1. AB04 - Rep. Torres, Sociology and Criminology Student Association ($1,200.00)
  2. AB05 - Rep. Brown, College Republicans at the University of Utah ($1,100.00)
  3. AB06 - Rep. Fairchild, Asian American Student Association ($1,320.00)
  • AB07 - Rep. Alba, Students for Dignity ($686.00)
  • AB08 - Rep. Buss, Taiwanese Cultural Association ($350.00)
  1. AB09 - Rep. Buss, Pacific Islander Student Association ($848.00)
  2. AB10 - Rep. Torres, Asian American Pacific Islander Students in Business ($1,100.00)
  3. AB11 - Rep. Benda, Democrats for U ($700.00)
  • AB12 - Rep. Fairchild, Invisible ($350.00)
  • AB13 - Rep. Benda, League of Women Voters ($1,100.00)
  • AB14 - Rep. Buss, Japanese Culture Association ($824.00)
  1. AB15 - Rep. Brown, Parents & Caregivers Club at SJQ ($1,100.00)
  • AB16 - Rep. Fairchild, Muslim Students Association at the University of Utah ($696.50)
  • AB17 - Rep. Gloeckner, Women in Business ($630.00)
  • AB18 - Rep. Alba, Crimson Transfer Honor Society ($1,030.00)
  • AB19 - Rep. Torres, Vietnamese American Student Association (VASA) ($900.00)
  1. AB20 - Rep. Buss, Utah Patakhas ($693.00)
  • AB21 - Rep. Torres, Bangladeshi Student Association ($1,312.38)
  • AB22 - Rep. Brown, Students for the Wasatch ($462.00)
  • AB23 - Rep. Gloeckner, Inter-Tribal Student Association ($658.00)
  • AB24 - Rep. Benda, Resonate Church ($980.00)
  • AB25 - Rep. Brown, Liberty in North Korea at the University of Utah ($1,060.00)
  • AB26 - Rep. Gloeckner, Association of Latino Professionals for America ($1,396.20)
  • AB27 - Rep. Brown, Arab Student Association ($630.00)
  • AB28 - Rep. Hart, Red Cross Club ($752.80)
  • AB29 - Rep. Hart, Student Immigration Law Association ($350.00)
  • AB30 - Rep. Alba, Animal Legal Defense Fund at S.J. Quinney ($700.00)
  • AB31 - Rep. Fairchild, Japanese American Student Association ($322.00)
  • AB32 - Rep. Buss, Policy and Diplomacy Society ($794.00)
  • AB33 - Rep. Parker, Student Academy of Audiology ($1,100.00)
  • AB34 - Rep. Werner, The Melomaniacs: Lovers of Music at the UofU ($920.62)
  • AB35 - Rep. Parker, Fashion in Business ($1,100.00)
  • AB36 - Rep. Hepworth, Samoan Club ($1,161.59)
  • AB37 - Rep. Reese, The Spanish Club ($455.00)
  • AB38 - Rep. Parker, Fiber Arts Club ($175.00)
  • AB39 - Rep. Burnett, Writers in Medicine ($533.40)
  1. AB40 - Rep. Reese, Geography Club ($665.00)
  • AB41 - Rep. Hepworth, Boards and Below ($732.00)
  • AB42 - Rep. Reese, 3D Printing Club at the University of Utah ($679.00)
  • AB43 - Rep. Werner, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Writers Publishing Club ($746.40)
  • AB44 - Rep. Werner, Hammock Club at the U of U ($490.00)
  • AB45 - Rep. Parker, Baking Club at the U ($350.00)
  • AB46 - Rep. Werner, Chabad on Campus at the University of Utah ($1,100.00)
  • AB47 - Rep. Burnett, Pakistan Student Association ($1,020.00)
  • AB48 - Rep. Hepworth, German Conversation Club ($350.00)
  • AB49 - Rep. Reese, Food for Me ($1,400.00)
  1. AB50 - Rep. Hepworth, Brazilian Club at the University of Utah ($1,220.00)
  2. AB51 - Rep. Parker, Gamecraft ($927.04)
  • AB52 - Rep. Reese, Utah Students Studying Russian ($700.00)
  • AB53 - Rep. Hepworth, Scientific Computing Student Club ($699.30)
  • AB55 - Rep. Burnett, Best Buddies U of U ($175.00)
  1. AB56 - Rep. Maughan, Neurology SIG ($350.00)
  • AB57 - Rep. Haack, National Lawyers Guild at the S.J. Quinney College of Law ($437.50)
  • AB58 - Rep. Maughan, Pre-Med Mentorship Program ($900.00)
  • AB59 - Rep. Bond, Interdisciplinary Science League ($410.20)
  • AB60 - Rep. Maughan, Association of Women Surgeons Chapter at the University of Utah ($700.00)
  1. AB61 - Rep. Bond, Financial Planning Association Student Council ($665.00)
  • AB62 - Rep. Bond, Association of Pharmacology and Toxicology Students ($900.00)
  • AB63 - Rep. Haack, Public Interest Law Organization at the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law ($273.00)
  • AB64 - Rep. Bond, Engineers Without Borders at The University of Utah ($1,110.00)
  • AB66 - Rep. Harrison, Women in Business - MBA Club ($940.00)
  • AB67 - Rep. Smaellie, Software Development Club ($182.00)
  • AB68 - Rep. Dong, Management Consulting Club at the University of Utah ($1,250.00)
  • AB69 - Rep. Maughan, Biomedical Engineering Society ($700.00)
  • AB70 - Rep. Haack, Women's Law Caucus ($1,017.60)
  • AB71 - Rep. Block, Public Health Dental Student Organization ($490.00)
  • AB72 - Rep. Smaellie, Student Chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics at the University of Utah ($976.00)
  • AB73 - Rep. Harrison, Business Economics Society ($1,100.00)
  • AB74 - Rep. Dong, American Society of Biomechanics Student Chapter ($860.00)
  • AB75 - Rep. Harrison, American Marketing Association ($350.00)
  • AB76 - Rep. Fairbourne, American Physician Scientists Association at the University of Utah Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine ($900.00)
  • AB77 - Rep. Fairbourne, InfectED ($105.00)
  • AB78 - Rep. Bond, Model United Nations at the University of Utah ($504.00)
  • AB79 - Rep. Harrison, The CubeSat Club at The University of Utah ($1,235.07)
  • AB80 - Rep. Harrison, Accounting Club at the University of Utah ($821.60)
  • AB81 - Rep. Block, Mock Trial at U of U ($700.00)
  • AB82 - Rep. Block, Pre-Medicine Club at the University of Utah ($350.00)
  • AB83 - Rep. Haack, Student Litigation Society @ SJ Quinney ($682.50)
  • AB84 - Rep. Dong, Salt Flats A Cappella ($1,230.00)
  • AB85 - Rep. Haack, Student Intellectual Property Law Association ($350.00)
  • AB86 - Rep. Fairbourne, American Medical Women's Association - Premed Chapter ($105.00)
  • AB87 - Rep. Haack, Utah Pre-Law Society ($560.00)
  • AB88 - Rep. Bond, American Society of Civil Engineers at the University of Utah ($1,186.00)
  • AB89 - Rep. Block, Environmental Law Forum ($245.00)
  • AB90 - Rep. Maughan, HOSA: Future Health Professionals- at the University of Utah ($1,190.00)
  • AB91 - Rep. Dong, American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Student Pharmacists ($1,130.00)
  1. AB92 - Rep. Block, Student Association for the Learning Sciences ($700.00)
  • AB93 - Rep. Fairbourne, Graduate Students Public Health Group ($1,100.00)
  • AB94 - Rep. Haack, Business Law Society at the U ($665.00)
  • AB95 - Rep. Dutton, Figure Skating Team at the U ($1,300.00)
  • AB97 - Rep. Oremus, Bowling Club at the University of Utah ($920.00)
  • AB98 - Rep. Larsen, Dungeons & Dragons & Stuff ($980.00)
  • AB99 - Rep. Wong, Beach Volleyball Club ($808.00)
  • AB100 - Rep. Dutton, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ($916.00)
  • AB101 - Rep. Rahaniotis, Table Tennis Club at the U of U ($929.40)
  • AB102 - Rep. Wong, Taekwondo Club ($1,100.00)
  1. AB103 - Rep. Oremus, Country Swing at the U ($1,100.00)
  2. AB104 - Rep. Larsen, Climbing Team at the University of Utah ($1,100.00)
  • AB105 - Rep. Oremus, Women's Soccer Club ($1,396.80)
  • AB106 - Rep. Oremus, Volleyball Club at the University of Utah ($1,300.00)
  • AB107 - Rep. Wong, Women's Outdoor Leadership Initiative ($1,334.60)
  1. AB108 - Rep. Oremus, Utah Tennis Club ($1,295.20)
  • AB109 - Rep. Larsen, Fly Fishing Club at the University of Utah ($1,100.00)
  • AB110 - Rep. Rahaniotis, University Chess Club ($420.00)
  • AB111 - Rep. Oremus, Army ROTC at the U of U ($1,100.00)
  • AB112 - Rep. Oremus, University of Utah Women's Rugby Club ($780.00)
  1. AB113 - Rep. Dutton, Institute of Transportation Engineers Student Chapter ($350.00)
  • AB114 - Rep. Rahaniotis, Yoga for Stressed Out Law Students ($560.00)
  • AB116 - Rep. Larsen, Dance Club at the University of Utah ($900.00)
  • AB117 - Rep. Johnson, Pickleball Club at the University of Utah ($1,100.00)
  • AB118 - Rep. Rahaniotis, A++ Aikido Dojo ($455.00)
  • AB119 - Rep. Johnson, Ballroom Dance Company at the U ($980.00)
  • AB120 - Rep. Larsen, Magician's Performance Club ($1,038.00)
  • AB121 - Rep. Oremus, Arm Wrestling Club ($385.00)
  • AB122 - Rep. Larsen, Motorcycle Club at the University of Utah ($644.39)
  • AB123 - Rep. Wong, Storytime Improv ($350.00)
  • AB124 - Rep. Larsen, Crimson Gaming ($1,137.60)
  • AB125 - Rep. Oremus, University of Utah Women's Ultimate ($1,435.40)
  • Consent Calendar
    1. Aye
      1. 26
    2. Nay
      1. 0
    3. Oye
      1. 1
  • AB54 - Rep. Werner, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity - Alpha Tau Chapter - at the U of U ($1387.72)
    1. Questions:
      1. None
    2. Debate
      1. VP Moon
        1. funding totals come from member dues, not from the actual organization
      2. Rep Maughan
        1. some concern about funding fraternity even though we have so little money
        2. we should try and build relationships with greek life on campus, so we should try to fund things
      3. Rep Bunett
        1. concern about funding a certain item
      4. Rep Dong
        1. sli will catch that item and not reimburse it
      5. Rep Block
        1. it would not be beneficial to other rsos to allocate funds here since they have a larger organization
      6. Rep Reese
        1. is there anything we cannot fund on the request
      7. Rep Singh
        1. sli will catch anything that we cannot fund and make sure its not reimbursed
      8. VC Dong
        1. will be communicated through whats written in campus connect
      9. Rep Warner
        1. Understands that members pay their dues and money does not come from organization
        2. other frats have not requested from us and function just fine
  • concerned about where money will be reallocated
  1. Rep Oremus
    1. dont believe that rso should be penalized for having members pay dues
  2. Rep Maugahn
    1. echo what previously said
    2. while group under different umbrella than asuu, we should fund it and build relations
  3. Rep Reese
    1. we likely cannot fund any restricted event correct?
    2. Answer
      1. Singh
        1. since redbook bylaw stating this had been removed, this no longer applies
      2. Rep Bond
        1. they deserve to be funded since they are an org
      3. Attorney General
        1. prioritize funding for orgs that have more open membership
      4. Rep Warner
        1. hesitant to fund because of outside funds and student fee
      5. Treasurer singh
        1. budget should not be cut at all
        2. we have funded orgs already that have these concerns
  • would not be fair to this org to single out this org
  1. Amendment to reduce amount by $100
    1. Debate
    2. Rep Burnett
      1. checking certain numbers
    3. Rep Maughan
      1. risky to cut an arbitrary amount
      2. unfair treatment to this rso
  • dangerous to arbitrarily cut funding
  1. VC Dong
    1. limit debate to 5 minutes
    2. since we have passed other proposals that have these concerns, it would unfair to punish this one
  2. Rep Bunett
    1. if there are funds that are used to illegal items, that funding should go to asuu funding and not what the rso tries to reimburse
  3. Rep Warner
    1. understand that cutting $100 is arbitrary
    2. purpose of amendment is to encourage more discourse on this topic
  • wanted to encourage more thought upon what we are funding
  1. vote (amendment fails)
    1. Aye
      1. 3
    2. naye
  • 19
  1. Oye
  2. 5
  1. vote on request (passes)
    1. aye
      1. 21
    2. nay
      1. 1
    3. oye
      1. 5
  • AB96 - Rep. Oremus, The U of U Pistol Team ($1103.60)
    1. Rep Oremus
      1. get written confirmation about finance guidelines to make sure they don’t get screwed in the spring semester
    2. Representative from Pistol Team
      1. fine with covering upfront costs for second pairs of shooting glasses out of personal or fundraised funds
      2. just want to make sure that if that purchase is made, that they are still able to be reimbursed
      3. Anna Locke
        1. funding from asuu is not guaranteed, please explore other fundraising options
      4. Director White
        1. specific answer
      5. Treasurer Singh
        1. specific answer
      6. Questions
        1. none
      7. Debate
        1. Rep Warner
          1. What do these shotting glasses do
          2. Answer
            1. in precision pistol shooting, you are shooting at an eraser head from 10 feet away
            2. in the amount of precision working with in sport, having the ability to have strict frontside focus is an extreme differentiator
            3. last year took 3rd place using construction glasses
            4. makes sure that people don’t have eye strain from the shooting competition
            5. helps with precise shots
          3. Rep Alba
            1. allowed to make amendments for future deadline, does that apply here/
            2. Answer (Locke)
              1. no, we can only reallocate across categories here
            3. Rep Smaelie
              1. can they get the extra $110 reimbursed in spring within deadline?
              2. Answer:
                1. yep if its allocated in spring budget
              3. Vote
                1. Aye
                  1. 27
                2. Nay
                  1. 0
                3. Oye
                  1. 0
  • AB65 - Rep. Harrison, Physician Assistant Student Society at the University of Utah ($1300.00)
    1. we should just pass it, regret pulling it
    2. Questions
      1. tax will not be reimbursed
    3. Debate
      1. no debate
    4. Vote
      1. Aye
        1. 27
      2. Nay
        1. 0
      3. Oye
        1. 0
  • AB115 - Rep. Larsen, Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity ($122.50)
    1. Questions
      1. none
    2. Debate
      1. Rep Burnett
        1. something doesnt sit right with me with singling out specific rsos on campus to pull out this group even though its not even technically a fraternity
      2. Vote
        1. Aye
          1. 26
        2. Nay
          1. 0
        3. Oye
          1. 1
        4. Legislation
          1. JB03 – Legislation to Amend Senate Bylaws around Appointment Confirmations
            1. Presenter: Treasurer Singh
              1. Questions:
                1. Attorney General Boyden
                  1. will ther be communication on when these appointments occur
                2. Answer:
  • under duties of senate chair, they will announce meetings that they have and announce the agenda to the student body \
  1. Debate:
    1. none
  2. Vote: (Rep Maughan left)
    1. Aye
      1. 23
    2. Nay
      1. 1
  • Oye
    1. 2
  1. JB04 – Bill to Revise the Name of the ASUU EDI Board to the Culture and Belonging Board
    1. Presenter: VC Dong
      1. Questions
        1. Rep Fairborne
          1. Name changed on website, so whats the point
          2. Answer:
          3. to update the constitution to match new name
        2. Debate
          1. none
        3. Vote
          1. Aye
            1. 25
          2. Nay
            1. 0
  • Oye
    1. 1
  • JB05 – Legislation to Amend Redbook Bylaws Around Travel Funding
    1. Presenter: Treasurer Singh
      1. Questions
        1. none
      2. Debate
        1. none
      3. Vote
        1. Aye
          1. 24
        2. Nay
  • Oye
    1. 2
  1. JB06 - Legislation to Update Redbook Bylaws Concerning Duties of Legislative Secretaries
    1. Presenter: Treasurer Singh
    2. Questions
      1. none
    3. Debate
      1. none
    4. Vote
      1. Aye
        1. 25
      2. Nay
        1. 0
      3. Oye
        1. 1


  • Representative Forum
    1. Time for Assembly Representatives to share out with the group regarding any initiatives, programs, or projects of interest. This is a great opportunity to recruit fellow Reps for support.
      1. Rep Burnett
        1. anyone would like to joint sponsor a bill to support brave conversations, please contact me
        2. slc transportation department is asking for comments on changes to transportation to certain roads
      2. Rep Fairborne
        1. working on removing nonfunctional turf at the university of utah, u of u is one of the largest users of water in slc county
        2. asuu needs to push on this issue
        3. grass is one of the largest users of water
        4. would really like to get together a group of people to work on this issue longterm
  • Rep Reese
    1. last semester worked on joint bill to make mural in fill school (didnt end up happening even though fully supported on asuu side due to the mural ebing flamable)
    2. want to try again and give it a more concerted effort with more schools


  • Adjournment