



November 21, 2023

Meeting Documents

Meeting Minutes

Associated Students of the University of Utah 2023-2024 ASUU Assembly, Cycle 3 General Assembly Meeting Minutes 11.21.2023 6:00PM

I.                   Call to Order

  1. The Assembly Chair will call the meeting to order to convene the General Assembly


II.                Roll Call

  1. Absent: Noah, Micheal, Lydia, Antonio, Nick
  2. Ex-Officio Absent: Milan Subotic, Cate Carson


III.             Land Acknowledgement

“We acknowledge that this land, which is named for the Ute Tribe, is the traditional and ancestral homeland of the Shoshone, Paiute, Goshute, and Ute Tribes. The University of Utah recognizes and respects the enduring relationship that exists between many Indigenous peoples and their traditional homelands. We respect the sovereign relationship between tribes, states, and the federal government, and we affirm the University of Utah’s commitment to a partnership with Native Nations and Urban Indian communities through research, education, and community outreach activities.”

IV.             Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

  1. Time for the Assembly to formally vote to approve the previous General Assembly’s Meeting Minutes as transcribed by the Assembly Secretary.
  2. General Assembly Cycle 2 Minutes
  3. Vote: 22 Y – 0 N – 0 A


V.                Public Forum

  1. Opportunity for members of the public (i.e. any non-Assembly community members) to spend time talking with and/or presenting to the Assembly.


VI.             General Announcements

  1. Time for any ASUU Assembly Representatives to share out any important announcements with the group.


VII.          Rules Committee Reports

  1. Members of the Assembly Rules Committee will have time to share out updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
  2. Chair Dong
  3. AR Subcommittee Chair Altamiranda
  4. ACI Subcommittee Chair Burnett
  5. SRM Subcommittee Chair Crockett
  6. AAS Subcommittee Chair Locke
  7. Parliamentarian Maughan
  8. Treasurer Johnson
  9. Vice Chair Bayard

VIII.       Ex-Officio Reports

  1. Ex-Officio members of the Assembly will have time to share out updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
  2. Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Director Estorpe
  3. Finance Director Subotic
  4. Academic Affairs Director Carson
  5. Attorney General Ho
  6. Vice President for Student Relations Madsen

IX.             Old Business

  1. Time updates on any legislation that was introduced during previous


X.                New Business

  1. Total Requested: $53,966.52
  1. Consent Calendar (Total: $8,433.02)
    1. AB 122 - Alba, Chronically Us ($146.22)
    2. AB 123 - Altamiranda, American College of Clinical Pharmacy ($450.00)
  • AB 124 - Altamiranda, American Society of Biomechanics Student Chapter ($125.00)
  1. AB 125 - Altamiranda, American Medical Women's Association Pre-med Chapter ($104.52)
  2. AB 126 - Barlow, Manual Medicine ($250.88)
  3. AB 127 – Barlow, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Club ($48.92)
  • AB 128 - Bond, Japanese Culture Association ($198.52)
  • AB 129 - Bond, The Melomaniacs Lovers of Music U of U ($146.99)
  1. AB 130 - Burke, Black Graduate Student Association ($661.00)
  2. AB 131 - Burke, Entrepreneur Club ($150.00)
  3. AB 132 - Burke, Vietnamese American Student Association ($328.64)
  • AB 133 - Buss, Association of Native American Medical Students ($150.00)


  • AB 134 - Cernyar, Periodontics Study Club ($150.00)
  • AB 135 - Chicas, Spanish Club ($366.39)
  1. AB 136 - Crockett, Country Swing at the U ($115.00)
  • AB 137 - Crockett, Women's Club Soccer ($67.92)
  • AB 138 - Dong, Business Economics Society ($427.00)
  • AB 139 - Dutton, Infectious Disease Interest Group ($330.00)
  • AB 140 - Dutton, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ($433.62)
  1. AB 141 - Flores, Financial Planning Association Student Council ($250.00)
  • AB 142 - Joseph, Crimson Gaming ($447.58)
  • AB 143 - Rep. Joseph, Dungeons and Dragons ($58.00)
  • AB 144 - Locke, Natural Resource Law Forum ($338.93)
  • AB 145 - Maughan, Emergency Medicine Interest Group ($259.00)
  • AB 146 - Maughan, Academic Medicine Student Interest Group ($65.45)
  • AB 147 - Maughan, Associated Students for the Betterment of Healthcare Delivery ($600.00)
  • AB 148 - Maughan, Biomedical Engineering Society ($73.79)
  • AB 149 - Maughan, Dermatology Interest Group ($250.00)
  • AB 150 - Oguz, Vegan Club ($60.00)
  • AB 152 - Parra, Japanese American Student Association ($34.28)
  • AB 153 - Soult, Asian American Pacific Islander Students in Business ($265.42)
  • AB 154 - Soult, Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity ($414.46)
  • AB 155 - Thomas, Ratio Christi ($5.49)
  • AB 156 - Thomas, Utah Students Studying Russian ($200.00)
  • AB 175 - Burnett, Brazilian Club at the University of Utah ($160.00)
  • AB 171 - Joseph, Magician's Performance Club ($300.00)
    1. Vote
      1. 20 – Y
      2. 0 – N
      3. 0 - A
    2. General Legislation ($26, 00)
      1. AB 151 - Oguz, Wilderness Medicine Student Interest Group ($500.00)
        1. Presentation
      2. Pulled from consent Calander
      3. Oguz: They have a lot of people, but I haven’t gotten a response and don’t have a lot of I think we should fund this, but I wanted to discuss it

with everyone.

  1. Questions
  2. Debate
  3. Vote
    1. 20 – Y
    2. 0 – N


  1. 0 - A
  1. AB 157 - Alba, Andrew Goodman Foundation ($1,200.00)
    1. Presentation
    2. They are hosting a Hinkley Forum about indigenous communities.
    3. Vote
      1. 19 – Y
      2. 0 – N
      3. 0 – A
  • AB 158 - Bayard, Ballroom Dance Company at the U ($2,500.00)
    1. Presentation
  1. Crocket: Bayard cannot be here today. I will be presenting this bill. What this bill is requesting for is the rental space, that is what this money will be going for.
  2. RSO: I am with the ballroom dance company. We perform here at the competition, we usually do very We got second place. This money is for anyone here at the U who is able can perform and learn ballroom dance of different types.
    1. Questions
  3. Dong: I have a question for the finance director and the rep. What money will go towards coaching?
  4. RSO: I am unsure, the coaching and the rental space is included in
  5. Finance: While it is questionable it is allowed
  6. Crocket: I think this is a good deal
  7. Cernyar: Have you done this before?
  8. RSO: Yes, it is the best deal
  9. Johnson: Do you charge membership fees?
  10. RSO: Yes, it is a small amount, but this is to help students who can’t pay full fees
  11. Kotter: This is going to go into Therefore, how has your club grown and how many are in it?
  12. RSO: There are 8 people, but there’s a number of people that are starting to show up and we are growing.
  13. Oguz: Have you gotten any previous funding for this year?
  14. RSO: No, we have
  15. Burke:
  16. Dong: Where is the rental space located, is there a way to find an alternative space on campus?
  17. RSO: It is located off campus and 33rd street, but the problem with renting on campus is you have to go through the school of dance which is difficult because it is expensive. It would also be hard for us to get our coach here because it is included in the price. Also they are nervous we have our shoes on their floor.
  18. Locke: Does the price go up if more students show up?


  1. RSO: Yes, it
  2. Locke: Are other students allowed to just show up?
  3. RSO: We don’t cover that because we don’t know how many people are going to drop in, if any.
    1. Debate
  4. Bond: I motion to have questions limited to five minutes
  5. Motion passes unanimous
  6. Cerynar: I think this is a good way for students to learn ballroom
  7. Kotter: I think we should remember that this will go forward next semester so if we pass this now we should think we should do this next semester.
  8. Vote
    1. 14 – Y
    2. 3 – A
    3. 3 – N
    4. AB 159 - Burnett, Samoan Club ($2,178.00)
      1. Presentation
        1. Burke: The food is for next cycle so if it is too much then we can push it to next cycle. Everything else has already happened. The Gameroom is for next semester. The costumes they’ve used.
      2. Questions
        1. Dong: they are getting close to their limit, do you know if they are planning to request again.
        2. Burke: I do
      3. Debate
        1. Johnson: if they are willing to wait on things then I would because we haven’t made very many cuts. I motion to amend the things for the next semester.
        2. Burke: Okay, that will be minus $850.
      4. Vote
        1. 20 – Y
        2. 0 – N
        3. 0 – A
      5. AB 160 - Crockett, Volleyball Club ($1,000.00)
        1. Presentation
        2. Crocket: They meet with me a lot and I think this is a good deal. They are asking for $1,000.
        3. Questions
          1. Dong: do they have membership fees?
          2. Crocket: they have ten dollars, but also there are nets available everywhere so this is important.
        4. Vote
          1. 20 – Y


  1. 0 – N
  2. 0 – A
  1. AB 161 - Dong, Baking Club ($1,198.86)
    1. Presentation
  2. Dong: This is for the baking club. They have thirty people on campus This is the cheapest place on campus to rent a food lab. Here is a list of the things they are asking for, recipes they make, and recipes they’ve done.
  3. RSO: This is going to the union, but it will stay in the U ecosystem to say the least. It is a great way to build community. A lot of people have wanted to join.
    1. Vote
  4. 20 – Y
  5. 0 – N
  6. 0 - A
    • AB 162 - Rep. Flores, SACNAS ($1026.76)
  7. Presentation
    1. Maughan: This is a new chapter and has started recently on The request are mostly for food.
  8. Vote
    1. 18 – Y
    2. 0 – N
    3. 0 – A


  • AB 163 - Flores, Triple Board Student Interest Group ($1,750.00)
  1. Presentation
    1. Dutton: *Reading whereas clauses*
    2. Oguz: Motion to table the bill to next cycle
    3. Vote: 15- Y, 2 – N, 2 – A

D.  Bill tabled to next cycle


Motion for a five minute break. Passed, reconvening at 8:45.


  1. AB 164 - Joseph, Disc Golf Club ($1,510.00)
    1. Presentation
      1. RSO: We aim to give people the understanding of what this sport is and how to play.
      2. Joseph: This event is in bountiful and is a disc golf
    2. Questions
  2. Finance: This is closer than the other event?
  3. RSO:
  4. Para: is this a new club?
  5. RSO: this is a new team


  1. Johnson: what is in a disc golf pack and will it be retained?
  2. RSO: they get a player pack, it is a disc
  3. Bond: is that considered a gift
  4. Finance: there seems to be commitment that to get this pack, so this could not be considered a gift
  5. Johnson: What is the 750$ covering if they pay to get the disc golf pack? Do they have to pay the fee to get the disk?
  6. RSO: They have to pay ultimately to get the pack but it is because we have to pay to have the event.
  7. Burke: I am confused, do they pay to get the pack?
  8. RSO: They do. We have to collect fees to pay for the event.
  9. Dong: If they collect fees are we allow to fund this?
  10. Finance: Do you keep any of the fees?
  11. RSO: I am not sure if we will be able to keep any of the
  12. Finance: This could be considered fundraising if they can keep the fees
  13. Dong: Is this against redbook?
  14. Finance: It could be potentially if they are selling off the
  15. Joseph: they are not selling the player They are getting it for coming to the event.
  16. Finance: it is fine if they are not selling it
    1. Debate
      1. Bond: There are two ways to view this. Is it a gift or are they selling?
      2. Crockett: if you play in the tournament you get the pack. This is what has happened with golf because it just comes with the event, so we should get over
      3. Johnson: This is I think it can be seen as a gift and it appears to be exchanging money for an item.
      4. Locke: it is similar to It's just like they are giving stuff out.
      5. Joseph: if we think like that then when we fund shirts they are a gift
      6. Barlow: This is like they are giving it to them because they pay the fee to fund the event
      7. Bond: If this is against redbook that it is my A.D. Sighn is this a problem?
      8. Finance: that is up to It is important to note that this could potentially be sold and that could get out and create a bad case for ASUU.
      9. Bond: I interpret this as marketing
      10. Oguz: Motion to extend debate by two Seconded by Johnson.
      11. Johnson: This cannot be thought of like marketing materials. We have funded other clubs for free events that are technically fundraisers and this is not the
      12. Cernyar: this has the U logo on it, therefore it is


  1. Madsen: the intent of Redbook is to prevent malicious Nothing bad is happening here
  2. Parra: Can we change the name to registration fee?

O: Joseph: this would be far more confusing and doesn’t make sense P: Buss: Can we get rid of the players pack?

Q: RSO: I have never been to an event that didn’t have one, so there would be no point of having the event.


  1. Vote
  1. 18 – Y
  2. 0 – N
  3. 2 - A
    1. AB 165 - Joseph, Freeskier Society ($3,287.81)
  4. Presentation
    1. Joseph: This doesn’t match They are requesting money to buy shirts to sell them.
  5. Questions
    1. Madsen: how do you know they are selling them?
    2. Joseph: They said it in the
  6. Vote
    1. 0 – Y
    2. 19 – N
    3. 0 - A
    4. AB 166 - Locke, Car Club ($1,831.30)
  7. Presentation
    1. Locke: There are thirty members of this club and they are trying to table for events. They want hoodies because all of their events are outside and it is about to get very cold. They also want stickers to put on their cars, they are more expensive but that is because they use the U logo so they have to go through an approved vendor.
  1. RSO: We are a new org. Started in January. There are over 90 people on campus connect. We do cruises, car meets, racing, and alumni events. We are very excited to be here. This has been a great way to connect with other people that have similar The stickers are specifically for cars which is why they are so expensive. The Costco pizzas are also for the whole semester.
  1. Questions
    1. Dong: Are you using the stickers for the whole year or just one event?
    2. RSO: Yes, we are using them the whole Some people are requesting them already so they are being given to them first.
    3. Cernyar: There are only 30 hoodies, so how will you know who gets them?


  1. RSO: We will be open to getting them to as many as possible but want to test the waters first.
  2. Alba: What are the number of people requesting car stickers?
  3. RSO: We have regular members, so around 35 to 40 Once we announce them we are expecting a lot more people to ask for them. We did a poll and over the majority of people wanted them. About 150.


  1. Debate
    1. Crockett: This club has grown a lot for just starting. They took their time to come here, therefore we should consider that because they have taken time out of their day to come here
    2. Finance: If you are in Utah you are surround by Subaru’s so this is
    3. RSO: A lot of out of state people are able to find community
    4. Buss: There should be wording to retain the
    5. Locke: Will
  2. Vote
    1. 20 – Y
    2. 0 – N
    3. 0 – A
  • AB 167 - Locke, Graduate Women in Biomedical Engineering ($1,000.00)
    1. Presentation
    2. Questions
      1. Cernyar: Can we fund shipping cost?
      2. Finance:
      3. Crocket: Do you pay dues?
      4. RSO: No, there are no We want to be supportive for women who have made it to graduate school because the number drops after undergrad.
    3. Debate
  1. Bond: I think this is a good way to support graduates and especially ones within
    1. Vote
  2. 20 – Y
  3. 0 – N
  4. 0 - A
    • AB 168 - Reese, University of Utah Alpine Ski Club ($2,000.00)
  5. Presentation
    1. Joseph: They are requesting money for
  6. Debate
    1. Johnson: A video camera can be borrowed from our office, so I motion to amend the bill to get rid of the camera.
    2. Joseph: Amended to $413.


  1. Vote
  2. 19 – Y
  3. 0 – N
  4. 0 - A
    • AB 169 - Reese, University of Utah Men's Water Polo ($4,000.00)
  5. Presentation
    1. Kwon: This event was with an Olympian and was for fifty It was a

$10,000 event and they are only requesting $4,000. It was a camp that helped train the athletes.

  1. Questions
    1. Burke: Where did the other $6,000 come from?
    2. Johnson: they have a lot of sponsorships that pay for most of their fees
    3. Joseph: they have extensive sponsorships that help them pay their It’s a very established club.
    4. Dong: Can the women’s team pay anything:
    5. Cernyar: The women's club is very small and gets very little
  2. Debate
    1. Finance: This bill is unethical because they receive a ton of funding from sponsorships and that is a significant amount compared to other clubs.
    2. Burke: This is about $80 per
    3. Joseph: They don’t want to raise the student fees for the club so the students will be dealing with the funding of this.
    4. Kotter: Has a bill like this come through in the past?
    5. Thomas: I have not seen this bill


  1. Vote
    1. 0 – Y
    2. 16 – N
    3. 3 - A


  1. AB 170 - Thomas, Asian American Student Association ($1,236.39)
    1. Presentation
  2. Thomas: AASA hosting a winter social This event hosts around 82 to 100 people. Also reimbursement for two member meetings in October. Also had a member meeting in November. A lot of these items are food.
  3. RSO: For the three member meetings, the line items include The biggest item was our winter social. This is mportant because it is the first big event after the holidays and keeps our attendance up throughout the year and is at a time when people feel the slump in winter, when mental health is not as good as it is in the summer. To address this, we add a fun


environment to relax and unwind. A lot of this might go to food. These items may be reduced in price.

2.      Questions

  1. Kotter: great Do we know how much the assembly has allocated so far.
  2. Dong:
  3. Burnett: for the relay race, there will be items included that will be retained by the org?
  4. RSO: yes
    1. Debate
    2. Vote
  5. 22 – Y
  6. 0 – N
  7. 0 – A
  8. Supermajority ($19,314.50)
    1. AB 172 - Altamiranda, Aerospace Club ($6,200.00)
      1. Presentation
        1. RSO: We try to teach them skills about Aerospace and provide them with experience
      2. Questions
      3. Oguz: What is a certification kit?
    2. RSO: They are certifications through the national federation of They certify one person and they get to keep them. We need one person to have this to be able to launch our rocket. This will help them get the experience.
    3. Oguz: This will certify one person, but benefit the whole club?
    4. RSO: It will help certify multiple
    5. Kotter: The stickers cost two dollars, can they be put on cars? Are they higher end?
    6. RSO: Yes, they can be put on cars, but will also be used on the
    7. Locke: There are twenty sweatshirts so are there less people than needed for the shirts?
    8. RSO: The sweatshirts are for consistent members and we want to have extra shirts to give as people join.
    9. Cernyar: Does the certification last three years? Will people have to get certified again?
    10. RSO: It does, but we will certify people that can continually use it to help
    11. Bond: How long will these stickers last?
    12. RSO: We will use them as needed and give
    13. Alba: Will these be uniforms?
    14. RSO: They will be just shirts but we will wear them at
      1. Debate


  1. Locke: We have set a I motion to amend the bill to cut the stickers down to $200 and strike the shirts.
  2. Barlow: We will make the sweatshirts a thousand and lower the stickers to


  1. Kotter: I think this is a good bill and will help them get We just need to feel comfortable with the amount.
  2. Burke: I motion to amend to the shirt price lower
  3. Oguz: Motion to extend Passed unanimously.
  4. Barlow: We will amend the bill to 25
  5. Oguz: We have tried to stay consistent with what we We should do so moving forward
  6. Locke: This certification kit is important and I will pass I would like to amend this bill to cut stickers.
  7. Johnson: They have already cut this bill down from 12,000 I think we should consider that.
  8. Cernyar: It is reasonable to keep in mind that they have already cut their bill down a lot.
  9. Thomas: They have already cut this a Aerospace is expensive.


  1. Vote
    1. 20 – Y
    2. 0 – N
    3. 0 - A


  1. AB 173 - Kotter, Alternative Breaks ($4,130.00)
    1. Presentation
  2. Kotter: I hand my time over to the rep
  3. RSO: Alternative Breaks is an experience for students to travel and foster social change during their breaks. It is a good experience for them to develop skills and leadership The sight leaders are unpaid volunteers who create the experience from scratch. It is open to all students at the University of Utah. When we travel outside of the US they represent the U.
  4. Kotter: *read through WHEREAS clauses*


  1. Questions
    1. Cernyar: Do you have any examples of these breaks?
    2. RSO: I went to a break called understanding ableism in Colorado and we learned about the program and how we can build a world where we can support them. Students go on these breaks to learn the skills and they come back with the knowledge. They live together and are provided with food and transportation.


They spend the entire day doing engagement and education. We collaborate with community organizations. There are a variety of community service projects.


  1. Debate
  1. Johnson: I went on the same It inspired me to write two pieces of legislation. I recommend going on one.


  1. Vote alternative breaks

A.19 - Yes

  1. 0 – No
  2. 1 – Abstain


  • AB 174 - Maughan, American Student Dental Association ($7,584.50)
  1. Presentation
    1. Maughan: They are having a dental student It is at the Alumni House. Read through line items.
  2. Questions
  3. Oguz: This is a big bill, is there anything you’d be willing to cut?
  4. Maughan: We have already cut things out, as the original price was over $9,000. I don’t know right now.
  1. Cerynar: Is there anyway the dentistry school can help with this? It is only for dental students.
  2. Maughan: I don’t believe
  3. Bond: We have funded events for other schools in the
  4. Debate
    1. Locke: I would urge to cut the DJ because we have done that in the
    2. Cernyar: Yes, we have funded other bills like this, but this is a lot more expensive. I motion to cut the DJ.
    3. Oguz: For 200 students this is about 33$ a student therefore this seems like a fair amount to spend.
    4. Nielsen: That is the whole college of dentistry
    5. Buss: similar to the college of dentistry it is important to have these social events and it is important to allow these students the opportunity to get out of
    6. Maughan: I will cut the DJ, but I don’t want this to become a repetitive thing just so we can save money.
    7. Dong: I motion to table this bill to next Vote to table:
  5. 19 – Y
  6. 0 – N
  7. 0 - A


Bill tabled to next cycle.

  1. JB 02 - Bond, Sen. Ault, Redbook
  2. Presentation
    1. Bond: Read Whereas clauses – bill is to change term limit for presidency to two terms and allow them to run again for office.
  3. Questions
    1. Kotter: What did the line regarding who could run originally say?
    2. Thomas: I made changes to Redbook, so it included the whole
    3. Kotter: Were they allowed to run for any elected office?
    4. Thomas: No, they could
    5. Locke: I like that they stayed out of the elections entirely, so how do you Madsen think this would affect the abilities of them to complete their jobs.
    6. Madsen: We have no say over the elections, they can’t be fired by us, I think this would allow us to learn our roles and use those skills for a while on.
    7. Johnson: Can they run separately then the next year?
    8. Bond: They can split up or run together.


  1. Debate
    1. Kotter: This is a hard learning curve so it is important to have people to come
    2. Oguz: We are only here for four years so two years is a lot of time in that. Yes, there is a learning curve but that is what the summer is for.
    3. Thomas: It is important to have people with experience It’s hard to learn everything and it’s important to have people come back and be able to answer those questions and provide guidance. They can also run for assmebly and senate which is useful.
    4. Johnson: If they want to run again then it is going to hold them accountable and make sure they are aware of their actions.
    5. Madsen: I think this will keep people accountable and keep their power in
    6. Burke: I think they should have to be in grad school to be able to run for president again.
    7. Oguz: Motion to extend debate by five Passed.
    8. Kotter: Part of this role is to work with other people and build relationships of trusts, so it could be very helpful that they are given more time to have these
    9. Cernyar: An elite group could form and win based off of name
    10. Bond: There is a constant rotating voting base therefore they will be pushed out eventually. Also most people don’t know what ASUU is.
    11. Johnson: Motion to extend by two Seconded.


  1. Johnson: There is so much unknown that is offered by this and unless we try it don’t know. We can also impeach people.
  2. Thomas: Do not try to impeach people it is awful. More than likely the president will be a senior and it is a lot of work, so they probably wouldn’t run again and that is a lot for them.
  3. Burke: Having the same president for two years out of four is a There is a chance they could dominate and win off of their name. There is also significant pay we could be cutting other people off from.
  1. Vote
    1. 12 – Y
    2. 3 – N
    3. 4 – A
  2. JB 03 - Thomas, Sen. Ault, Redbook
    1. Presentation
      1. Singh: whereas clauses. See bill for more
        1. Bill is seeking to provide funding to umbrella More equitable to these organizations.
        2. TBIE: strike article IV, section 6, clause
      2. Thomas: senate has already passed this
    2. Questions
      1. None
  • Debate
    1. Bond: we should do We are already doing this.
  1. Vote
    1. 18 – Y
    2. 0 - N
    3. 1 - A


XI.             Representative Forum

  1. Time for Assembly Representatives to share out with the group regarding any initiatives, programs, or projects of This is a great opportunity to recruit fellow Reps for support.


  • Adjournment