



October 26, 2023

Meeting Documents

Meeting Minutes

Associated Students of the University of Utah 2023-2024 ASUU Senate, Cycle #2

General Senate Meeting Minutes October 26th, 2023 | 6:00pm | Union Pano East

I.                   Call to Order

  1. Senate Chair will call the meeting to order to convene the General Senate

II.                Roll Call

  1. The Parliamentarian will take and document roll call in collaboration with the
    1. Google Doc


III.             Land Acknowledgment

“We acknowledge that this land, which is named for the Ute Tribe, is the traditional and ancestral homeland of the Shoshone, Paiute, Goshute, and Ute Tribes. The University of Utah recognizes and respects the enduring relationship that exists between many Indigenous peoples and their traditional homelands. We respect the sovereign relationship between tribes, states, and the federal government, and we affirm the University of Utah’s commitment to a partnership with Native Nations and Urban Indian communities through research, education, and community outreach activities.”


IV.             Approval of Meeting Minutes

  1. Approve the meeting minutes from General Senate Meeting Cycle #1
    1. General Senate Cycle 1 Meeting Minutes 28.2023.pdf
      1. Taylor Approves, Mukai 2nd
      2. Unanimous


V.                Public Forum

  1. Opportunity for members of the public (i.e. any non-Senate community members) to spend time talking with and/or presenting to the Senate.
    1. Jake Lemon: Director of Student Affairs Assessment & Analytics (VIA ZOOM)
      1. Presentation about the “Healthy Minds Survey”
        1. Technical Issues, will be presented at another date


VI.             General Announcements

  1. Time for any ASUU Senators to share out any important announcements with the
    1. Chair Truax: We are halfway through our senatorial terms, if you have not started a bill/resolution, now is the time! Our goal is to have every senator write or sponsor at least one piece of legislation.


  1. Chair Truax: Academic Senate Reminder - Monday, November 6th on Zoom
  • Chair Truax: Planning another Senate Social in November: Look for When2Meet
    1. What are some ideas of what we want to do for this?
      1. Send to Truax
    2. Chair Truax: CSC engagement: More details later
      1. To be presented by Ault
    3. Chair Truax: Be sure to speak loudly, clearly, and in Abigail's direction so we can document meeting minutes Ensure your name placards are visible to Abigail.
    4. Chair Truax: Diversity Training coming up on a Wednesday night in late November, look for a message about that. This is mandatory to get compensated.


VII.          Executive Committee Reports

  1. Members of the Senate Executive Committee will have time to share out updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
    1. Chair Truax
      1. Unity Through Community March November 7th
        1. 6:00 m. at President’s Circle
        2. Student and staff speakers
        3. March up to the McCarthey Track and Field
      2. Working on a campus-wide survey to get student and staff thoughts on concealed carry on campus.
        1. Will be part of a resolution of gun safety on campus
      3. Working with the Dean of Libraries regarding library hours on Sundays
        1. Open earlier and will meet with her at a later date
      4. Vice Chair Israelsen
        1. CSC revamp Redbook Steering Committee
          1. Tentative course, drafting, recognize existing CSCs and draft for changes to Redbook, then conclusion
          2. If want to serve, please speak out and reach out
  • Treasurer Neff
    1. Fiscal Statement
      1. Started the semester with $36,000, and now we are at $31,850
    2. Parliamentarian Ault
      1. College of Humanities CSCs
        1. Starting and promoting CSC
          1. Get a faculty advisor, work through the dean's office
          2. The chair is the senator, the assembly are vice chairs, assembly has to participate.
  • Meeting once a month and possibly meeting
  1. Use of social media and
    1. Reach out to the Instagram admins for
  2. What can other senators do to get their CSC going?
    1. Working with assembly representatives, getting a faculty advisor, promoting active communication
    2. Secretary Taylor


  1. Joint Resolution regarding disability awareness
    1. Working on this with Johnson (Humanities) working on meeting with CDA. I will have more updates as I receive them.


VIII.       Ex-Officio Reports

  1. Ex-Officio members of the Senate will have time to share out updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
    1. Academic Affairs Director Carson
      1. N/A
    2. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Director Estorpe
      1. N/A
  • Finance Director Subotic
    1. N/A
  1. Vice President of University Relations Shewell
    1. N/A
  2. Attorney General Ho
    1. N/A


IX.             Old Business

  1. Time updates on any legislation that was introduced during previous
    1. Suggestion Boxes
      1. No current updates
    2. Barristers Ball Budget Request
      1. No current updates

X.                New Business

  1. Time to introduce all new legislation to the Senate
    1. Senator Confirmation: Jada Easterly, David Eccles School of Business
      1. Presentation
        1. Second-year
        2. Loves what she does and loves the business school
      2. Questions
        1. Israelsen
          1. What previous experiences do you have? Do you plan to get involved in the CSC?
            1. I am a good representative despite having no experience because I can represent the body as well
            2. Yes, I know people on the CSC and would love to work closer with them
          2. Traux
            1. Any specific goal
              1. Would like to help students who are non-traditional debate
            2. Neff
              1. Are you willing to be present in the senate
                1. Before taking the role, I had to learn the responsibilities and rules


  1. Debate
    1. N/A
  2. Vote
    1. Yes 12
    2. No 0
    3. Abstain 0
    4. Passes
  3. Joint Resolution: Resolution in Support of Campus Mental Health Facilities (Trigger Warning: mental health, suicide, self-harm)
    1. JR - Bond, Rep. Maughan, Sen. Ault Resolution in Support of Campus Mental Health Facilities.docx
      1. Presentation
        1. Has worked closely with those higher up in the university
        2. Trigger warning: statistics about mental health
  • Summary: Would like to increase the Student Success fee in order to support students’ mental health
  1. Presentation of Whereas clauses
  1. Questions
    1. Mukai
      1. How was this collected
        1. This has been collected over the years from the Department of Student Affairs
        2. Oleary: Who increases the fee
          1. The board of trustees
          2. Would this be titled differently
          3. Have received notions that this is a possible process
        3. Williams
          1. Funding pay, marketing, and funding in general Romney
          2. How will students know about this
            1. Being able to fund them to be able to increase awareness and presence on campus
  • Watrin
    1. Is this just for increasing in counseling center
      1. From what I am aware, it would be increasing overall
    2. Woychick
      1. Is this going to be available in individual colleges
        1. It is the goal is to have an individual counselor for each individual colleges
      2. It would be good to implement for all colleges


  1. Debate
    1. Oleary
      1. Mental health fee, is that separate from the SSF


  1. It is more about
  1. Vote
    1. Yes 12
    2. No 0
  • Abstain 0
  1. Passes
  • Joint Resolution: Resolution in Support of Sustainable Waste Disposal
    1. https://uofutah.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/ASUU2023-2024- Assembly/EdG5t3DVlNdFnrl3km6ir1sBr53dLHtnyV5gXfEAEC0QTw?e=XtVQ av
      1. Tabled
    2. Joint Resolution: A Resolution in Support of the University of Utah Prison Education Project (UPEP)
      1. https://uofutah- sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/u1337435_umail_utah_edu/EWUrn1gga9ROk bZceK1MzFgBg18Zys0MJZ3aqoU-g7lpWg?e=Ag1Bw1
        1. ` Presentation
          1. Awareness with the board of trustees
          2. Is effective and cost-effective
  • Follows the mission of the University
  1. Presentation of Whereas clauses
  1. Questions
    1. Neff
      1. What does support look like? Besides stigma, how else do we support?
        1. There is a stigma around education in prisons and bringing support to recently released students
        2. Volunteer and a TA in the prison 21+
      2. Roelofs
        1. Is this going to require any sort of funding to reach goals? Have you worked with outside programs working with Education instead of incarceration?
          1. They would like to eventually pay interns and volunteers and were hoping to increase education around the university
          2. Not sure of the answer, that is under the jurisdiction of the supervisor, mainly working on a directory upon release. No formal partnership
          3. Debate
            1. N/A
          4. Vote
            1. Yes 11
            2. No 0
  • Abstain 0
  1. Passes


  1. Joint Bill 14: A Bill to Update the ASUU Redbook – the ASUU Constitution
    1. JB 14 docx
      1. Presentation
      2. Written by the previous attorney general and VP
      3. Meant to clarify language in Redbook

iii.  Presentation of Whereas clauses

  1. Grammatical changes and rephrasing for clarification
  2. Reformatting sections for clarification
  3. Questions
  4. Williams
  5. Whereas statements: would this lead to more student reassurance in STGO
  6. These small changes are able to make it so students understand ASUU rules. Most times it is confusing
  7. Debate
  8. Any changes will be for accessibility
  9. Vote
  10. Yes 12
  11. No 0

iii.  Abstain 0

  1. Passes
  1. Joint Bill 15: A Bill to Update the ASUU Redbook – Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures Article I
    1. JB 15 docx
      1. Presentation
      2. Ad-Hoc committees on Redbook changes
      3. Meant to clarify language in Redbook

iii.  Presentation of Whereas clauses

  1. Grammatical changes and rephrasing for clarification
  2. Adding a Secretary for Assembly
  3. Includes new section
  4. Diversity board is now EDI Board

vii.  Vice Chair of Assembly becomes chair upon removal, death, etc.

viii.  Reformatting sections for clarification Questions

  1. Questions
  2. Williams
  3. Is there a definition section?
  4. Not that is aware of
  5. Roelofs
  6. Does this apply to current or also those who are running
  7. It just pertains to those in the Senate (current)

iii.  Traux

  1. To become the president… who will fulfill that position
  2. Ho: It is the assembly chair
  3. Oleary: is based on real government


  1. Watrin
  2. What was the intent to get rid of gpa requirement
  3. It is to keep equality with assembly
  4. It hasn’t really been an issue
  5. Ho: it does say assembly needs a 2.5 GPA
  6. Debate
  7. N/A
  8. Vote
  9. Yes 9
  10. No 0

iii.  Abstain 1

  1. Passes
  • Joint Bill 16: A Bill to Update the ASUU Redbook – Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Article II
    1. JB 16 Thomas_Lucas (002).docx
      1. Presentation
      2. Qualification and Responsibilities of Executive Branch
      3. Meant to clarify language in Redbook

iii.  Presentation of Whereas clauses

  1. Grammatical changes and rephrasing for clarification
  2. Clarify non-traditional students
  3. Clarify Voting Members
  4. Questions
  5. N/A
  6. Debate
  7. N/A
  8. Vote
  9. Yes 11
  10. No 0

iii.  Abstain 0

  1. Passes


XI.             Senatorial Forum

  1. Time for Senators to share with the group regarding any initiatives, programs, or projects of interest. This is a great opportunity to recruit fellow Senators for support.
    1. Oath of Office for Jada Easterly
    2. Roelofs
      1. Kingsbury Hall is not owned by the University
      2. Some students get to use it, but it costs $30000 to use
      3. Every other venue about $1750, comes out of student pockets
      4. Still gathering data and departments have budgets
      5. Any logistical ideas, please reach out to Roelofs, Bernett, or Reese
      6. Kieslowski: Is there a specific college cost? Specifically graduation and for the students


  1. When I say for the students, I mean students and colleges, The vocal performance department spends the entire budget on week
  • Woychick: town halls with dean’s offices


  • Adjournment 7:56 P.M.