Granting Exceptions – Bylaws I.I § 10 (1.3.3):
Redbook Section in Question:
Redbook Constitution or Bylaws?: Bylaws
Redbook Article: 1.1
Section: 10
Clause: 1.3.3
Requestor Information:
Name: CJ Reid
Position/Affiliation: ASUU Assembly Chair
10/29/2022Question (Be as specific as possible):
Who is allowed to grant exceptions to these rules and determine extenuating circumstances and emergency? I would strongly urge consideration of privacy during the disclosure of potentially sensitive information and not require this to be determined by an entire legislative body or during impeachment proceedings, instead relying on Assembly leadership to make this determination.
For ASUU Office Use Only:
Attorney General:
Tracey MaiText Section in Question:
“Exceptions to these rules will be granted only in extenuating circumstances or emergencies.”
The Assembly Chair, Attorney General, and SLI Staff are allowed to grant exceptions to these rules and determine extenuating circumstances or emergencies. These should be done with collaborative effects between the three parties.