


Appointment Eligibility Prior to Student Activity Fee – Constitution II § 2 (1)

Appointment Eligibility Prior to Student Activity Fee – Constitution II § 2 (1):

Redbook Section in Question:

Redbook Constitution or Bylaws?: Redbook

Redbook Article: II

Section: 2

Clause: 1

Requestor Information:

Name: Mitch Kirkham

Position/Affiliation: ASUU Assembly

Chair Email: mkirkham@asuu.utah.edu



Question (Be as specific as possible):

If a student is tobe appointed to an ASUU Government positionbut thestudent activity fee has not come due yet, are they eligible for the position?For example, if a transfer student would like to be appointed to avacantAssemblyseatand hadn’t had their fee come due, would this be allowed?

For ASUU Office Use Only:

Attorney General:

Cole McCubbins

Text Section in Question:

“All registered students of the University who have paid the ASUU student activity fee of the current term shall be considered members of the ASUU and shall be represented by the ASUU Government.”


If the student activity fee has not come due for a student, they may be temporarily appointed to the position so long as they are registered for classes for the current term. After the fee deadline passes, their status should be reevaluated: if they have paid the student activity fee, they may retain their position; if not, they should vacate the office immediatelyand a member of the ASUU should be appointed.