



November 26, 2024

Meeting Minutes

Associated Students of the University of Utah

2024-2025 ASUU Assembly, Cycle 3

General Assembly Meeting Agenda

11.26.2024 6PM

  1. Call to Order
    1. Assembly Chair will call the meeting to order to convene the General Assembly session.


  1. Roll Call
    1. The Parliamentarian will take and document roll call.
    2. Arts & Recreation
    3. Affinity & Advocacy
    4. Graduate & Professional Development
    5. Sports
    6. Rules


  • Land Acknowledgement

“We acknowledge that this land, which is named for the Ute Tribe, is the traditional and ancestral homeland of the Shoshone, Paiute, Goshute, and Ute Tribes. The University of Utah recognizes and respects the enduring relationship that exists between many Indigenous peoples and their traditional homelands. We respect the sovereign relationship between tribes, states, and the federal government, and we affirm the University of Utah’s commitment to a partnership with Native Nations and Urban Indian communities through research, education, and community outreach activities.” – Secretary Bond



  1. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
    1. Time for the Assembly to formally vote to approve the previous General Assembly’s Meeting Minutes as transcribed by the Assembly Secretary.


  1. Public Forum
    1. Opportunity for members of the public (i.e. any non-Assembly community members) to spend time talking with and/or presenting to the Assembly.
  2. General Announcements
    1. Time for any ASUU Assembly Representatives to share out any important announcements with the group.
    2. Subcommittee Chair Burnett – The representative for the Senator of Fine Arts has resigned, which is really unfortunate; please encourage others to run and, if you are running again, remind yourself of the weight and responsibility of your position.
  • Rules Committee Reports
    1. Members of the Assembly Rules Committee will have time to share out updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
    2. Arts & Recreation Subcommittee Chair Burnett
      1. No big updates
    3. Affinity & Advocacy Subcommittee Chair Benda
    4. Graduate & Professional Development Subcommittee Chair Fairbourne
      1. Personal legislation going through next cycle for sustainability
    5. Sports Subcommittee Chair Dutton
      1. No big updates
    6. Secretary Bond
      1. Suggestion Boxes are proving to be overwhelming, but hopefully they will be used soon and there will be a big surge in marketing
    7. Treasurer Singh
      1. No numbers
    8. Parliamentarian Parker
      1. No updates
    9. Vice Chair Dong
      1. HRE legislation – trying to get in contact with facilities
      2. Working on new funding resources with Anna
  • CCW mental health focus group
  1. Chair Locke
    1. Working on new resources with Chrissi, preparing for next semester


  • Ex-Officio Reports
    1. Ex-Officio members of the Assembly will have time to share out updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
    2. Culture & Belonging Director Nadar
    3. Finance Director White
      1. Preparing for next semester, final rolling applications for Fall Travel
    4. Academic Affairs Director Israelson
    5. Attorney General Boyden
      1. No updates
    6. Vice President for Student Relations Moon
      1. No updates


  1. Old Business
    1. Time updates on any legislation that was introduced during previous sessions.


  1. New Business
    1. Time to introduce all new legislation to the Assembly floor.
    2. Legislation
        1. Presentation
          1. Application
          2. Goals
          3. Rubric
        2. AB204 - A Bill to Propose Funding Goals for the Spring 2025 Funding System
          1. Questions
            1. Sadie Werner: How will you differentiate when a club feels that their club is impactful but they don’t get impact on the rubric? What if they don’t agree?
              1. Locke: Our goal was to make it as broad as possible; all organizations are really valuable and no one is in an organization that they don’t care about; goals is to emphasize things that are meaningful to students on campus; of course there might be orgs that don’t fit exactly, but that is just unfortunately the reality, there will be some discrepancy; we hope this eliminates it as much as possible and be as transparent as possible; if they want to see their rubric, they’re welcome to reach out
            2. Bastian (proxy for Smaellie): What if you have a bunch of organizations that score a similar amount of points or the exact same points
              1. Locke: Made the point totals wider and allow people to choose a range + average across the funding committee; ideally, we wouldn’t have many organizations that are tying, if we do, we’ll probably give out those organizations; if we have a ton that are tying, we would do individual review and have a GA vote; also adjust base funding to give out more awards if needed
            3. Debate
            4. Vote
              1. Y: 24
              2. N: 1
              3. A: 2


  • AB 205 - A Bill to Propose an Application for the Spring 2025 Funding System
    1. Questions
      1. Maughan: The bill language is for Spring only, do we need a new bill for each semester?
        1. Locke: No, we technically don’t need a bill at all; the bills are procedural to allow for review from the GA
      2. Debate
      3. Vote
        1. Y: 24
        2. N: 1
        3. A: 2
      4. AB206 - A Bill to Propose an Impact Funding Rubric for the Spring 2025 Funding System
        1. Questions
        2. Debate
        3. Vote
          1. Y: 24
          2. N: 1
          3. A: 2
        4. JR02 - Rep. Bond, Sen. VanDerHeyden, Resolution in Support of Active Transportation
          1. Presentation
          2. Questions
            1. Locke: Who in the administration have you worked with on this?
              1. Bond: Sustainability and Commuter Services
              2. VanDerHeyden: Had a meeting in mid-October – originally tried to pass through Senate in September, got some more insight on the efforts to add transportation infrastracture and how it fits into the plan for the university; got data from the university, met with Solomon Brownba(?) from the Commuter Services department; discussed how they collect data every two years and how more funding could help them collect more data
  • Bond: Resources 4, 8, 10 all come from these meetings, originating back in May
  1. Locke: Is there a timeline, based on your meetings with them, that these things might be implemented?
    1. Bond: Citation 7 has a link that shows an example of some of their projects (completed, in-progress, planned); they’re in need of money, hopefully the legislation helps them get the money and helps them fasttrack that progress
    2. VanDerHeyden: looking to finalize their additions to the development plan in January 2025
  2. Debate
    1. Locke: This is an awesome project, great job on this
  3. Vote
    1. Y: 26
    2. N: 0
    3. A: 1


  1. Representative Forum
    1. Time for Assembly Representatives to share out with the group regarding any initiatives, programs, or projects of interest. This is a great opportunity to recruit fellow Reps for support.
      1. Locke: Planning on potentially sending out a survey about students who live on campus and have to commute to work/school and have difficulty finding parking; if anyone has interest in being involved, please message me
      2. Locke: I’m super grateful for all of you guys, please work on projects over the semester


  • Adjournment