



September 26, 2023

Meeting Documents

Meeting Minutes

Associated Students of the University of Utah 2023-2024 ASUU Assembly, Cycle #1 Part 1 General Assembly Meeting Agenda 9.25.2023 6:00PM-10:00PM

I.                   Call to Order

  1. Assembly Chair will call the meeting to order to convene the General Assembly


II.                Roll Call

  1. The Parliamentarian will take and document roll
    1. Ask subcommittee chairs for attendance
      1. Document absences

Absent – William Kate

Absent – Cannon Parker, Affinity and Inclusion

Absent, Ex-Officio, Estorpe, Academic Affairs Director Carson

III.             Land Acknowledgement, read by Anna Locke

“We acknowledge that this land, which is named for the Ute Tribe, is the traditional and ancestral homeland of the Shoshone, Paiute, Goshute, and Ute Tribes. The University of Utah recognizes and respects the enduring relationship that exists between many Indigenous peoples and their traditional homelands. We respect the sovereign relationship between tribes, states, and the federal government, and we affirm the University of Utah’s commitment to a partnership with Native Nations and Urban Indian communities through research, education, and community outreach activities.”


IV.             Public Forum

  1. Opportunity for members of the public (i.e. any non-Assembly community members) to spend time talking with and/or presenting to the Assembly.
  2. Student Governance Advisor – Ethan Foley

Ethan Foley, SLI Advisor: sharing announcements and getting advocacy going through the year. Handouts,

helpful for parliamentary procedure. For Assembly representatives, use as a cheat sheet for Robert’s Rules, guidelines for a productive meeting. These rules are here as a tool to navigate discussions and move through the meeting effectively- different types of motions that can be made during the Assembly.

Including, how-to on how to navigate Robert’s Rules. In order to adjourn, take a break, make a point of privilege, suspend motions, bring back motions, etc., one would say—“I move to…” May you interrupt the speaker. Not in public forum. In the middle of debate, explaining a perspective, and someone might have information being left out of the conversation. Someone might interject and offer a point of information— good information to include. Everyone will want to know that information to include.


The other side offers a basic intro, much more advanced things to say and do. Normally, everyone will have microphones for accessibility. For now, just speak up, speak loud, and make sure that your voice is heard. This is a learning process, and there is not a single person who has been through a meeting where Robert’s Rules has been effectively used.

Two folders—one with a copy of the funding process, hard copies, which have been handed out already. Hard copies of the assembly schedule available. There is a copy of the agenda that the subcommittee chair has pulled out at their table. Subcommittee chairs will have these available for support throughout the meeting.


V.                General Announcements

  1. Time for any ASUU Assembly Representatives to share out any important announcements with the group.


VI.             Rules Committee Reports

  1. Members of the Assembly Rules Committee will have time to share out updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
  2. Chair Dong
    1. This space facilitates Representatives should have their voices heard. If this isn’t the case, let someone know. We want to take voices into consideration while we make decisions. Mercedes will make an announcement, but keep in mind what our budget is and how much has been requested for this cycle. Keep in mind that good causes deserve money, and do not pinch pennies. Funds should go where they are needed on this campus. Diversity is important. Lastly, if you are part of Assembly, and you are not a chair or member of Rules, do not have any electronics out. Keep meetings efficient and make well informed decisions.
  3. AR Subcommittee Chair Altamiranda
    1. Our subcommittee, A and R, wants to make sure research can get done at the We have just been accepting budget requests for this cycle.
  4. ACI Subcommittee Chair Crockett
    1. Our subcommittee has been working on budget requests; reaching out to those who have made budget requests and what looks good and Communication has been a struggle. Looking forward to the year.
  5. SRM Subcommittee Chair Burnett
    1. Working hard to support the 31 requests submitted to the committee. Joint bill will be presented during the meeting by Bond. We are waiting on the confirmation of one more representative.
  6. AAS Subcommittee Chair Locke
    1. We only had four bills this cycle, focusing on reaching out to RSOs this cycle
  7. Parliamentarian Maughan
    1. Looking for support on individual efforts
  8. Treasurer Johnson
  9. Budget is $234,000. This cycle over 94,000 was requested, over half the budget
  1. Vice Chair Bayard
    1. Support for building an inclusive environment and reducing Looking forward to the year.


VII.          Ex-Officio Reports

  1. Ex-Officio members of the Assembly will have time to share out updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
  2. Finance Director Subotic
    1. Everything’s
  3. Attorney General Ho
    1. No Ramen and Redbook, outreach explaining Redbook to students and assembly members. Explaining Redbook and making it easier to comprehend.
  4. Vice President for Student Relations Madsen
    1. Parking and Public Transit Reach out with interest, meetings will begin soon.



VIII.       Old Business

  1. Time updates on any legislation that was introduced during previous sessions. None at this


IX.             New Business

  1. Reconvening at 7:30
    1. Crockett: Ask concise Motion to limit debate and questioning to five minutes each.
    2. Consent Calendar (Total: $1,608.71)
  2. Vote
    1. Yes – unanimous
    2. No – 0
    3. Abstain - 0
  3. AB 01 – Bond, Japanese Culture Association ($25.46)
  4. AB 02 – Bond, Model United nations ($85.24)
  5. AB 03 – Thomas, Women in Economics ($120.00)
  6. AB 04 – Thomas, Women’s Outdoor Adventure Club: Backcountry Squatters ($122.54)
  7. AB 05 – Parra, Korean Club at the U ($197.98)
  8. AB 06 – Parra, Korean Christian Club ($225)
  9. AB 07 – Barlow, Manual Medicine ($226.03)
  10. AB 08 – Altamiranda, American Medical Women’s Association ($159.82)
  11. AB 09 – Altamiranda, American Pharmacists Assocation ($128.00)
  12. AB 10 – Maughan, Business and Medical Professionals ($100.00)
  13. AB 11 – Rep. Joseph, Hammock Club at the U of U ($185.00)
  14. AB 12 – Crockett, Urvashis Bollywood Fusion Dance Team ($33.64)
    1. General Legislation
      1. AB 13 – Locke, HOSA: Future Health Professionals ($835.78)
      2. Locke: preparing students in health degrees and future careers. Requesting t shirts for members and food for meetings. T shirts do not have logos not allowed at the university. Requesting food for turnout

2.      Questions

  1. Burnett: how many members?


  1. Johnson: fees?
  2. Bond: Motion to let shirts be
  3. Locke: These are shirts worn by students across campus. They are not specific to a uniform or other Some will be used more often than others. This might create some awkwardness.
  4. Bond: Can we not fund them if they are retained?
  5. Subotic: Precedent would suggest
  6. Thomas: In previous years, this is marketing for the
  1. Vote
    1. 19 – Yes
    2. 1 – No
    3. 2 -- Abstain
      1. AB 14 – Brown, Point B: Transportation Student Group ($975.00)
        1. Presentation
          1. Brown: Club on campus affiliated with the architecture school. They are trying to branch out and be more They are requesting marketing funding, line items tablecloth, t shirts, stickers. They did find a very good deal on stickers to reduce prices. This must be considered because they have put in effort to limit the funds they are requesting.
        2. Questions
          1. Brown: 40 branded t
          2. Bond: how many students?
          3. Brown: no
          4. Subotic: how many attend these events?
          5. Brown: this is just marketing for
          6. Maughan: did they give you dates of anything or events?
          7. Brown: No
          8. Munot: Are they a new club?
          9. Brown: they started last year and are
          10. Bayard: There are 71 members according to campus
          11. Johnson: their VP and president asked a lot of questions about funding. They are rebranding their club and do a lot of good on They need these items to garner more attention on campus. They are a respectful group and did travel funding separately so we did not have to slash them on this bill.
          12. Parra: What is this club for?
          13. Brown: uniting students in a range of urban planning related
        3. Vote
          1. 17 – Yes
          2. 5 – No
          3. Abstain - 0
  • AB 15 – Brown, UDebate ($6,575)
    1. Motion to table until next
      1. Yes –
      2. No – 0


  1. Abstain -0
  1. AB 16 – Bond, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers ($3,995.00)
    1. Bond: open to all individuals to join regardless of race, culture, etc. 72 active members. Convention for the national organization in SLC this year, where there has been 80% success rate in acquiring internship offers for those who attend. The local branch of the society would like to request the amount to send their members to the conference. Each ticket costs $235.
    2. Questions
      1. Locke: Is there any outside fundraising opportunity?
      2. RSO Rep: There are limitations to what ASUU can reimburse. We have secured sponsors from the college of engineering. We have cut back a bit from 60 students to 17 We are looking for more sponsors. There are 60 students attending but only asking for funding for 17. The funding would secure spots for 17 students.
      3. Johnson: How will the students be selected?
      4. RSO Rep: Older students have preference. A lot of engineering students come out of school with debt, so more opportunity means more We also have an application available to attend the event.
      5. Johnson: Can members pay $25 of their ticket?
      6. RSO Rep: We will have to see who can
      7. Altamiranda: Why 17?
      8. RSO Rep: Limit of ASUU
      9. Altamiranda: Does this cover anything else?
      10. RSO Rep: The ticket guarantees
      11. Parra: Have you attended the convention before?
      12. RSO Rep: We had the success rate of 80% for internship offers. We know how to navigate the conference and increase their chances to secure the internship. Received 5 internship opportunities from the convention.
      13. Kotter: all your funding?

3.      Debate

  1. Dutton: speak in Internships are important.
  2. Cerynar: I know how important internships are in the COE. It seems that with the budget we have, $4,000 is a lot for 17 students. I would like the Assembly to be cognizant of the limited budget we have. We can’t spend it on every Or else we would have lost half of our budget. Be aware of the future cycles we have.
  3. Erik: The RSO is aware of the soft limit for the year in terms of
  4. Dong: the RSO has sponsors and they have reduced the amount they are asking from ASUU. $4,000 is within our limit to give. It is important we support them because internships are Conferences like these are where internships are actively being offered.
  5. Thomas: We have never sent out initial emails to RSOs on campus. Finances have already been broken They know this is their funding for the year. It’s likely we won’t see this amount of funding again.


  1. Locke: Don’t cut down on Access to these opportunities shouldn’t be eliminated.
  2. Johnson: Some RSO’s don’t ask for money—they can only really have about $400. $4,000 is a soft limit, not everyone can have that.

4.      Vote

  1. 21 yes
  2. 1 no
  3. No abstainsions
  1. AB 17 – Thomas, Asian American Student Association ($1,615.00)
    1. Rep Thomas: AASA did their opening social with over 170 students in attendance, and over 200 students on their CC They are requesting $1,116. Including food, serving supplies, bracelet surprise, and a table fee for tabling at the union.
    2. Alex, RSO representative: This event had over 200 people This comes out to about 6 or 700 per person. This is a space for people to make friends and make community. This event was inclusive and well advertised. For those reasons, they deserve funding for this event.


  1. Oguz: How many events per semester:
    1. Alex: Over 44 events per semester, around 22 These are socials, which are the biggest by far. Socials often.
  2. Cerynar: Will you be coming to ASUU for more social funding?
    1. Alex: We have two more large socials planned for the
  3. Rep Burnett: Fundraising How much can you raise at events on average?
    1. Alex: Anywhere from 400 to

d.      Rep. Johnson:

  1. Alex: member meetings do not cost as much per
  1. Rep Cerynar: will the org spend as much money on events by the end of the year? Will events cost as much?
    1. Alex: if we are not reimbursed, then we will reduce As of now, we plan to spend at the same rate to put on events.
  2. Thomas: Alex attends every meeting. ASA is one of the biggest RSOs on campus and is actively involved in ASUU and our budget process.

4.      Vote

  1. Yes- 22
  2. No – 0
  3. Abstain - 0
  1. AB 18 – Thomas, Women’s Outdoor Leadership Initiative ($484.70)
    1. Presentation
      1. Thomas: for women in the outdoors. They do outdoor retreats and events in They have 251 active members on their roster, it is a huge club. They’ve done movie nights, semester debrief, a semester kickoff, etc.


They are planning a Tree-Utah event. They are requesting reimbursement for their opening event.

  1. Vote
    1. Yes – 22
    2. No – 0
    3. Abstain – 0
  • AB 19 – Thomas, Ratio Christi at the University of Utah ($470.35)
    1. Presentation
      1. Thomas: weekly meetings with 10-25 members. They are requesting funding for them. They outlined every meeting and every cost; broken down into line items. This covers food for their meetings. They are requesting reimbursement for food and for materials for weekly meetings, and a book to retain in the club.
    2. Questions
      1. Johnson: will paint and signholders be retained?
      2. Thomas: yes
      3. Locke: will they be asking for the same things every cycle?
      4. Thomas: this was for the entire fall
      5. Burnett: for their study guide—for bible studies, will they be using a singular book for the entire club?
      6. Thomas: This is normal for these meetings.
    3. Debate
      1. Cerynar: I used to go to this This is a good club, and community oriented. Worth considering.
    4. Vote
      1. Yes – 22
      2. No – 0
      3. Abstain -- 0
  • AB 20 – Burke, Bangladeshi Student Association ($667.10)
    1. Presentation
      1. Burke: The BSA is requesting reimbursement for a cricket tournament over the summer. There were 36 participants (students). The costs included materials utilized at the tournament, food, and trophies. Trophies were retained by individuals, not by the group, which could be amended in the bill.
    2. Questions
      1. Kotter: No clarification on cost of trophies?
      2. Burke: does not know the individual
      3. Munot: why is there an issue with trophies?
      4. Burke: The trophies are counted as If we can fund t shirts, we should be able to fund the trophies.
      5. Locke: would it be possible to send a follow-up? Can we table this bill?
      6. Burke: I think it is beneficial to table this
        1. Motion to Seconded by Treasurer Johnson.
      7. Bill might not be fundable, tournament took place in June or


  1. AB 21 – Burke, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association ($1,500.00)
    1. Presentation
      1. Burke: For the Lunar New Year The APALSA held this event last year, with food catered from a local restaurant. This totaled

$1,500, so they are using it as a point of reference and asking for the same amount. I specificed this amount must be used for catering, and nothing else.

  1. Questions
    1. Dong: is this the only funding they want to request the entire year?
    2. Burke: they are allowed to make future requests but they have to be very specific. They also wanted to get money for future events but wanted to get this first, because it is their biggest event. They do want to have funding in the future.
    3. Maughan: is $1,500 all going to catering?
    4. Burke:
    5. Bond: is this for all students?
    6. Burke: This is for all interested students.
  2. Debate
    1. Maughan: it’s a big request without any
    2. Thomas: motion to table to next meeting, 3rd.

i.       Passed.

  1. No
  1. AB 22 – Barlow, Management Consulting Club ($1,900.00)
    1. Presentation
      1. Barlow: Management Consulting Club is a club within the business school, helping them prepare for jobs in the consulting industry. They get to hear from alumni in the field and help plan They have requested branding services and marketing, i.e. t-shirts, notebooks, and posters for tabling events. They want to increase club awareness and popularity. With guest speakers, they want to have food available. They have 45-50 students attend all meetings. They also requested club officer jackets.
    2. Questions
      1. Bond: how many officers are using these jackets?

b.      Barlow: 10

  1. Thomas: how many meetings are there?
  2. Barlow: weekly, with food at every
  3. Alba: how many t shirts, notebooks, will be provided?
  4. Barlow:
  5. Thomas: is this for the semester or year?
  6. Barlow: not sure if they are requesting more
  7. Bond: to clarify, these jackets won’t be retained?
  8. Barlow: I can put that into the bill, not in current
  9. Johnson: personal names cannot be on the Strike that line item.
  10. Barlow: names will not be on the
  11. Kotter: will money be spent on guest speakers or on food?


  1. Barlow: just on food
  2. Kotter: do they know if they will spend $1,000 or if they are guessing?
  3. Barlow: we are not
  4. Subotic: it is about $100 every They asked only for money for meetings with guest speakers.
  5. Bond: will officers be receiving t shirts?
  6. Barlow: not
  1. Debate
    1. Munot: motion to add jackets be
    2. Maughan: table this to the next
      1. Motion Tabled to next meeting.
    3. AB 23 – Barlow, Master of Healthcare Administration Student Association ($1,860)
      1. Presentation
        1. Barlow: Also part of the business school. Organize socials with students and alumni. Create professional development opportunities and collaborate with a career coach. Asked to replace a large poster to be retained by the group. Want to purchase t shirts for 25 active members in the Also want to purchase a prize wheel for tabling events. Want to have a wheel for events to entice members. All of these things are for the entire year. End of semester event in December and requested money to cover shoe rental and bowling in the union building. Requesting food reimbursement. They have funds outside of allocation from ASUU.
      2. Questions
        1. Burke: numbers clarification
        2. Barlow: double
        3. Alba: how many people are going to Top Golf?
        4. Barlow: around 25 $650 is a lot for students without a discount.
        5. Johnson: point of
        6. Cerynar: specific event dates?
        7. Barlow:
      3. Debate
        1. Locke: amendment to strike top
        2. Barlow: Barlow strikes top golf line item.
        3. Kotter: recommendation to strike food line items for Top Golf
        4. Barlow: took the line item
        5. Burnett: bowling games is specific to the union building? Is there a student discount?
        6. Barlow: maybe?
        7. Chicas Rubio: You can get discounts.
        8. Cerynar: given this, and without a set date, strike the
        9. Barlow: there is no way to know so why would we fund
      4. Vote:

a.      14 - Yes

  1. 5 – no
  2. 3 – abstain


  • AB 24 – Altamiranda, Aerospace Club ($3,140.00)
    1. Presentation
      1. Altamiranda: promotes aeronautics and astronomy at the U; requesting funds for jerseys, utilized for competitions and contain the club They are requesting reimbursement for stickers and for shirts that club members can receive and retain.
    2. Questions
      1. Bayard: with 16 members, are they expecting to grow?

b.      Altamiranda: no.

  1. Johnson: jerseys vs t shirts?
  2. Altamiranda: no Around campus versus for competition.
  3. Kotter: it is $6 a sticker—what are they buying?
  4. Altamiranda: no They have not responded to inquiries about where they are finding stickers.
  5. Subotic: other clubs are finding good deals on stickers—this is
  6. Thomas: would you be willing to strike this line item for stickers?
  7. Altamiranda:
  8. Alba: how many members?

k.      Altamiranda: 16.

  1. Bayard: motion to table to next

i.       Motion passes .

  1. Thomas: adjust the total before moving the motion to the next New total is $1,940.
  • AB 25 – Altamiranda, Academic Medicine ($1,200.00)
    1. Presentation
      1. Altamiranda: trying to inform MS1 and MS2 students on how to get involved in academic Requesting three different panels with catering for students. They have the first date for the first panel.
    2. Questions
      1. Munot: how many members?

b.      Altamiranda: not sure.

  1. Bond: do they have a way to guarantee people will attend?
  1. Debate
    1. Johnson: Motion to table to next

4.      Tabled to next session.

  • AB 26 – Cernyar, Physician Assistant Student Society (2,501.94)
    1. Presentation

a.       Cernyar:

  1. AB 27 – Maughan, Business Law Society ($1,495.67)

Business Law Society – Rep. Maughan, RSO Representative Present

Bill Presentation

  • RSO exposes on exposing students to Business Law
  • Second year as an RSO in the U
  • Holding an event at Top Golf expecting 30 people to attend


-       Total: $1,495.67

RSO Representative

  • Only organization to look at the not as emphasized side of law
  • Interested in kicking off first event and create a good impression


  • Thomas: Is it within travel guidelines? Yes
  • Burke: Why golf? Tends to be something that is general popular in law
  • Munot: Where are representatives coming from? From firms that people are working at
  • Subotic: Alcohol? No
  • Cernyar: 30 people? Yes
  • Reese: Is it open? Hopefully for members, but just need to sign up
  • Joseph: Grad students only? Yes
  • Burke: Funding for future events? Looking to subsidize for future events
  • Johnson: Would law firms in the future be willing to sponsor? Yes, that is the goal
  • Burnett: Concerned about funding events for additional 12 attorneys attending
  • Thomas: We cannot fund tax
  • Munot: Have you considered cheaper alternatives with similar networking opportunities? Top Golf would give a huge discount, the open atmosphere will allow mingling and be more inclusive
  • Cernyar: Too much per student (more than student fee), not fair; Are you open to amending the bill?
  • Singh: How is it fair if fees are both grad and undergrad, but the RSO is only open for grad students
  • Locke: Are there any plans for fundraising in the future? Potentially as the year goes on, currently just trying to get started
  • Johnson: Have you gone to CSC? Yes, only $100 a year
  • Oguz: How many students in the law student are in this area (transactional law)? About 50-60, about everyone is in the club


  • Thomas: grad students have generally gotten the shorter end of the stick; it’s a lot but


  • Kotter: grad students tend to be excluded from a lot of campus events
  • Locke: networking is very important for the field of law, the more natural setting is important, not a lot of events are accessible to students
  • Cernyar: twice as much per student for the student fee; knows that grad students might be excluded, but $50 per person is too much; pay partial and help but be fair to other RSOs too
  • Crockett: able to go to BSG, grad students are mostly involved through networking and this is crucial to them
  • Bayard: hard to get grad students to come to events; they have other things to consider
  • Bond: bad argument to allocate only an equal portion to student fees
  • Oguz: Will you be coming to ASUU for future events as well?
  • Locke: to student fees, important to fund new student orgs to get people committed; people will want to be involved because of this
  • Johnson: How are you confirming that people are coming?


Maughan: Motion to amend

Chair Dong: Motion to move to vote

è 16 - Yes

è 5 - No

è 0 Abstainsions

  • AB 28 – Maughan, Emergency Medicine Interest Group ($1,600.00)

1.      Presentation

  1. Maughan: Food is a big part of their meetings, they push to cater for meetings for long lunches since medical students are busy

2.      Question

  1. Bond: How many students? Not sure

3.      Debate

  1. Burnett: Motion to amend – fund the catering that has been purchased, strike everything else

4.      Vote

  1. Yes – 21
  2. No – 1
  3. Abstain – 0


  • AB 29 – Maughan, Crash Course in Neuroscience Journal Club ($480.00)

1.      Presentation

  1. Maughan: monthly meeting going over neuroscience journal; requesting materials to teach neuroscience and catering for meetings

2.      Questions

  1. None

3.      Debate

  1. Burnett: No date for food, support classroom materials but strike the other line items
  2. Johnson: Need to know what the unit items

4.      Vote

  1. Yes – 22
  2. No – 0
  3. Abstain -- 0


  • AB 30 – Maughan, Associated Students for the Betterment of Healthcare Delivery ($900.00)

1.      Presentation

  1. Maughan: research to increase access to quality healthcare; food to support panels and catering for professional development; first meeting on October 14th for 30 students; $900 for catering across three meetings

2.      Questions

  1. Alba: How many people per meetings? Expected 30

3.      Debate


  1. Bond: Strike catering for events with no $300

4.      Vote

  1. Yes – 22
  2. No – 0
  3. Abstain – 0
  • AB 31 – Dutton, Family Medicine Interest Group ($300.00)
    1. Tabled to next
  1. AB 32 – Crockett, SACNAS Student Chapter at the U of U ($393.63)
    1. Presentation
      1. Crockett: crafts They recently had a crafts night inviting members and boosting their recruitment. They are requesting reimbursement for supplies used at this meeting.
    2. Questions
      1. Munot: motion to move to debate
      2. Sunny: is this chapter a suborganization of a larger organization with member dues?
      3. Crockett: this was an event to get new That is what chapters do. They have events to increase awareness.
      4. Thomas: they do not have member
      5. Burke: what the acronym stands for
    3. Vote
      1. Yes – 22
      2. No – 0
      3. Abstain -- 0
  • AB 33 – Crockett, Utah Golf Club ($4,340.00)

1.      Presentation

  1. Crockett: been around for 3 60 casual members and 30 competitive members. Not all travel with the team. The club is requesting money for dues, uniforms, hats, shirts, amounting to $4, 340. They thought this was the only funding they could get the whole year. They are a new RSO
  2. RSO Rep: Been a part of this club for three years. Grown from 7to 60 kids. This money also covers regional tournaments. This travel is not cheap. Want to separate clubs from lacrosse. Allow golf to be played by a wide range of people. Golf club allows people to meet new people. Two national Only way we can remain relevant and stay cheap for the student population.
  1. Questions
    1. Locke: Would you still be able to play in tournaments if we cut line items?
    2. Rep: Yes, it’s a big
    3. Locke: what is the most necessary?
    4. Rep:
    5. Bond: What is the difference between a uniform and a shirt?
    6. Rep: underarmour t shirt with team


  1. Kotter: With the line items, this money is only used for what’s Travel is a separate budget request.
  2. Rep: It’s not travel, it is the It costs a lot of money to register. They make it expensive.
  3. Kotter: you have to have what’s on the request. There is not anything related to travel on the You will have to submit another request.
  4. Crockett: It’ll help the club fund other Just help them pay for the things.
  5. RSO: Money helps us keep our dues
  6. Cerynar: How many shirts and hats are you paying for? Can these be reused by members? Are they retained by the club?
  7. Crockett: I didn’t put these in. It is 35 for each for the travel team. This was not written into the bill. If we could have spoken in July, he could have funded 148 per person for the It is just helping the club so they don’t have to spend money on other things.

n.      Motion to extend by 2 minutes.

  1. Subotic: Fees are about $800 per person? How are dues accommodated if fees aren’t paid?
  2. RSO: They cannot join the Other club sports are cheaper, and they can join. More casual members only pay $300 in total. The point of the club is to travel and represent the school.
  3. Munot: suggest an amendment?
  4. Thomas: Have you considered retaining the unforms?
  5. Rep: I kind of want to keep the Other members want to keep their uniforms. In the future, we will consider.
  6. Burnett: Highlights in national tournaments?
  7. RSO: played against 15 other schools across the Travel was pretty cheap. ASUU has made this possible.

3.      Debate

  1. Munot: proposed motion to Shirts might not be necessary. That

$1,000 differential can be used for other purposes in the future.

i.       Deleted line item, “shirts”, eliminated $1,400.

  1. Bond: Encourage the uniforms become Heavily limits the ability to fund them. Since Boise and Idaho falls are so far away, they become subject of travel funding. Going forward we will look to get tournament expenses reimbursed elsewhere.
  2. Thomas: I understand keeping uniforms, but how do we fund them?
  3. Oguz: These funds are going toward members paying over $1,000 each. Only those with the status of being able to pay over $1,000 each get They are not benefitting everone at the U.
  4. Locke: Strike hats from the Make it what’s necessary to attend the tournaments.
  5. Dong: Fund what’s It’s not inclusive. Retain your uniforms. Increase access to students.


  1. RSO: money goes towards tournaments in I don’t know how to get travel stuff going.
  2. Reese: while this club does cost money, if we don’t pass this bill, people will have to pay more money.
  3. Crockett: we are funding all students. Some students have more of a burden than others, but 1000 compared to 850 is night and We are funding all students, not students who need it the most.
  4. Burke: ASUU money could be spent on things that could be spent more
  5. RSO: I have ordered all of this stuff, so I am just looking to get it reimbursed so I can keep the dues low. Representing the school is expensive. These have already been paid Anything we can get will help us out.
  6. VP Madsen: These clubs do not have high dues to exclude Nothing vicious.
  1. Vote

a.      16 yes

  1. 4 no
  2. 2 abstain
  • AB 34 – Bayard, Gamecraft ($474.58)
    1. Presentation
      1. Bayard: requesting food for Chipotle catering. Around 100+ people, which is why they are requesting so much food.
    2. Questions
      1. Johnson: food sales tax. Is there a date for this event?
      2. Bayard: it was on 9/1. Updated a few minutes
      3. Kotter: is this an annual event or is this every few months?
      4. Bayard: this is the first one of the They could submit more requests in the future.
      5. Kotter: this is the first of multiple, but we do not know
      6. Bond: is there more sales tax being included?
      7. Bayard: sales tax
      8. Burnett: for the catering and pizzas, is this a singular event?
      9. Bond: did the total included the sales tax?
      10. Bayard: sales tax was a separate line Even if it was, they wouldn’t a=pay for that.
      11. Johnson: if they request more money, Sijani gets a receipt and it will include sales We are allocating money but we won’t know if we get it back for a long period of time.
    3. Debate
      1. Burke: that’s about $5 per
      2. Bond: this club has a lot of industry Backing from game industry.
    4. Vote
      1. Yes – 22


  1. No – 0
  2. Abstain – 0
  • AB 35 – Bayard, NROTC Navy and Marine Team ($844.92)
    1. Presentation
      1. Bayard: requesting t shirts and are cleared on the licensing side of
    2. Questions
      1. Alba: how many t shirts?

b.      Bayard: 36

  1. Thomas: we funded ROTC last We are allowed to fund NROTC
  2. Maughan: alternative sources of funding?
  3. Bayard: no known alternative sources of
  1. Debate
    1. Debate over whether to
      1. Motion: table? Did not
    2. Motion to cut t shirt line item to
  2. Vote
    1. Yes -- 21
    2. No -- 0
    3. Abstain -- 1
  • AB 36 – Cernyar, Plastic Surgery Interest Group ($2,000.00)
    1. Tabled to next
  • AB 37 – Reese, Powerlifting Team ($2,700.00)
    1. Presentation
      1. Reese: rental of gym; cannot reserve space in the gym at the University; equipment is not safe for certain lifts. The time that this club meets does not align with gym Club apparel is for members and for advertising, creating unity amont members.
    2. Questions
      1. Thomas: where is the gym located?
      2. Locke: 18 minutes Creates unity. To make it accessible carpool is set up for members.
      3. Thomas: for the logo of the club – was anything provided?
      4. Reese: nothing was The logo will adhere to the rules. Contact will be maintained.
      5. Munot: how long is the gym being rented for?
      6. Reese: the entire
      7. Munot: what is their club apparel?
      8. Reese: they are requesting t shirts and sweatshirts, but there is no They have 144 members on campus connect with 15-20 people in regular attendance.
    3. Debate
      1. Locke: the gym is a necessity. We could strike some of the apparel. From experience, there are not that many going to meetings each We need a more exact estimate for each week. The gym is definitely a necessity.
      2. Reese: I support New total of $1,800.


  1. Vote
    1. Yes -- 21
    2. No -- 0
    3. Abstsain -- 1


Motion to adjourn, Chair Dong.

  • AB 38 – Kwon, Fashion In Business ($782.42)
  • AB 39 – Kwon, Yoga of Stressed-Out Law Students ($350)
  • AB 40 – Joseph, Magician's Performance Club ($2,872.00)
    1. Magic Trick, VP of the RSO
      1. Everyone had their minds
    2. Presentation
      1. Andry: their goal is to welcome all students to their events, where they teach kids to explore unique illusions and magic. They have an event on October 23rd where they will host a local Utah magician to teach and perform magic tricks for students. There is no entry fee. They need a total of $2,472 to fund and pay for the magician to come and teach. They also need funding for food to serve at the They need funding for tools to use at the event.
      2. RSO: the magician came last He is a motivational speaker and plans to speak on anyone involved in art, rhetoric, theater, etc. His presentation will be based on that. This event also is a reminder to attend our U of U events which are also fundraisers. We have been all over campus performing for students and this kind of stuff helps us expand our membership and perform for free or for fundraising. These items are for members and for our benefit.
    3. Questions
      1. Johnson: what is the ad fee?
      2. RSO: printing of flyers; we haven’t done the TVs or anything, but we would like to do campus wide advertising. Those cost money.
      3. Thomas: How many members did you start with and how many do you have now?
      4. RSO: started with First year, we got to 12. Now, we have over 30 for our welcome meeting. We have grown quite a lot. Consistently, 15-17 members. 23 members signed up.
      5. RSO: Found the club I hadn’t met a magician in my life, going out and doing other events and displays is incredible. Members can network and promote success.
    4. Debate
      1. Kotter: This is amazing. I am worried about how much money is being requested, in general for the RSOs this I think we can only afford to pay or part of the reimbursement for the workshop.
        1. Motion to amend: Limit to $1,000. This is Andry’s decision—the author of the bill can amend the bill. The author always has the


  1. Cerynar: the arts can never receive They are holding a performance for the entire campus. Benefit to the entire campus.
  2. Burke: are these items reusable?
  3. RSO: things will be used in the act of
  4. RSO: The magician will mentor new members to open for their shows. This is a good opportunity for new members. This is being thrown in for free with the We can haggle, but this is a lower price than normal.
  5. Andry: items can be used for a long
  6. RSO: things can be used multiple These are things we will used for the duration of the year. They will be expended at the end of a year.
  7. Subotic: Will you have a profit at the end of the year?
  8. RSO: We have plans in place to switch over the Money will be following with the change in presidency. We have not yet been able to make a bank account. It is up to the financial director and the president. This is our first time having finances to keep track of. With fundraising, we are aare of $4,000 limit for ASUU, and we want to build up enough to fund us the rest of the year.
  1. Vote
    1. Yes – 22
    2. No – 0
    3. Abstain – 0
  • AB 41 – Joseph, Dance Club ($1,000.00)
  • AB 42 – Joseph, Crimson Gaming ($625.00)
  • AB 43 – Parker, Formula SAE Team at the University of Utah ($6,129)
  • AB 44 – Flores, CubeSat ($3,998.00)
  • AB 45 – Dutton, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ($959.15)
  • AB 46 – Dong, Baking Club at the U of U ($1,436.12)
  • AB 47 – Kwon, Tau Beta Pi Alpha ($250.00)
  • ​AB 48 – Maughan, American Student Dental Association (TABLED)
  • ​ AB 49 – Maughan, Biomedical Engineering Society (TABLED)
  • AB 50 – Maughan, Students Interested in Educational Psychology
  • ​AB 51 – Rep. Reese, Apparel (DOESN’T EXIST)
  1. AB 52 – Rep. Munot, Sales Club at the University of Utah xli. AB 53 – Rep. Munot, The Hydroponic Club

xlii. AB 54 – Rep. Rubio, Persian Student Association xliii. AB 55 – Rep. Rubio, Pakistani Student Association xliv. AB 56 – Rep. Rubio, Nepalese Student Association xlv. AB 57 – Rep. Rubio, Samoan Club

xlvi.  AB 58 – Rep. Rubio, The Spanish Club

xlvii.  JB 01 – Rep. Bond, ASUU Suggestions Box Joint Legislation ($19,500)


X.                Representative Forum

  1. Time for Assembly Representatives to share out with the group regarding any initiatives, programs, or projects of This is a great opportunity to recruit fellow Reps for support.
  1. Adjournment