


Finance Board Additional Funding Guidelines – Bylaws IV § 1 (2)

Finance Board Additional Funding Guidelines – Bylaws IV § 1 (2):

Redbook Section in Question:

Redbook Constitution or Bylaws?: Bylaws

Redbook Article: IV

Section: 1

Clause: 2

Requestor Information:

Name: CJ Reid

Position/Affiliation: ASUU Assembly Chair

Chair Email: cjreid@asuu.utah.edu



Question (Be as specific as possible):

What does the section which specifies “These guidelines will only apply to all student orgs” mean? Can assembly bypass these guidelines without needed to officially suspend them in meetings because they’re only applicable to student orgs? Can assembly still fund things that are discouraged or ‘disallowed’ in the guidelines because they do not apply to the assembly’s ability to fund orgs?

For ASUU Office Use Only:

Attorney General:

Tracey Mai

Text Section in Question:

“The Finance Board shall be given the authority to establish additional funding guidelines as deemed necessary by the Finance Board. These guidelines will only apply to all student organizations”


The guidelines only applying to all student organizations means that it will not be a change made to Redbook and that the established funding guidelines will apply to student organizations. Assembly can overrule these guidelines by having a supermajority vote of three-fourths (3/4) of its membership plus one (3/4+1). Assembly can fund things that are discouraged or “disallowed” in the guidelines, if they don’t apply to the assembly’s ability to fund organizations.